General Nitpicking Thread

I’ve been very split on most art passes, but there’s something I’ve felt consistently strong about. I, uhh…dislike how green has been used for grass a lot lately.

Quite a few maps (usually in Minigolf) received art passes that update the looks, and it seems like every time this happens that colored elements become brighter & over-saturated, especially grass. I know there’s been a push for the game to develop a consistent visual style, which has largely been more cartoony, so of course colors are going to be vibrant, but this is too much imo.

When you’re playing minigolf, most of your time will be spent with the camera angled towards the ground, which fills the screen with some shade of lime or neon green. Compared to every previous version, I’ve always found it less relaxing and extremely uncomfortable on the eyes.



Altitude (with complimentary bright red, which I thought was a strange choice since Garden has red borders too.)


Pirate’s Cove


Island, just on it’s own has always been harsh.

The worst offender of all is the House condo, which is now the same color as a tennis ball.

And before. Not perfect, sure, but easier on the eyes. (Screenshot from Computrix on the forums)

Ironically, the Midori art pass is pretty toned down, despite being one of the most high-tension maps in a fast paced mode. (Not a criticism, though. It looks nice.)