Game starts with a black screen

So i have this problem with tower unite that when i start the game it pops up a message saying i need to insert a disk to the drive: E:. So there are three options: Cancel, Try again and continue. If i press try again the same message will come up but when i press cancel or continue the game starts up with a black screen. What’s the case?

How much do you wait with this black screen?
For me it opens with black screen by a minute and then everything is just normal

Computer specs?

Doesn’t look like waiting is going to help

So i just spammed try again like a thousand times and it started working. Everything is fine. Thanks for the answers!

Alrighty then.

Whatever works, pal


Someone had a similar issue to this (minus the black screen when clicking continue)

Have you tried restarting your PC?
or Re-installing the game?

it’s dead jim
