CondOS returning

The homes to have that tablet in the wall like in GMT

PS. shout out to Evkem for the name condOS


I believe the CondOS is planned to return.
(renamed for accuracy)


I’ll edit it so it says the condOS

I’m gonna be honest and say I dont see the point in this. As of now you can open the Condo menu wherever you are simply by pressing “C” and the menu instantly appears.

Adding in a tablet on the wall with the menu on it doesn’t enhance anything it just makes things less convenient.

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I dont like the C menu, and I much, much rather the CondOS.


We should have C menu for all the Condo’s execpt the Condo since it is originated.

I liked the condo OS in the private alpha, it let you buy things from the stores in your condo without having to leave it. It would makes things much more convenient to add at least that feature back in.


This was somewhat addressed recently here.

It’s not an official yes or no, but it’s not necessarily confirmed yet. Personally, I think the C menu is better overall than CondOS at the cost of not being quite as thematic, though holding C while trying to navigate the menus can certainly be a pain. I do think it would be cool to see CondOS return (perhaps as an item available at the electronics store) so long as the C menu stays.

Also, did the highlight to quote system break or something? It doesn’t work for me anymore.


What we really need is official word on this. It’s a big question.


Thanks for addressing this

Please, i need to know if it’s going to happen or not :frowning:
I loved it, it was like, futuristic
I don’t know
it was just really cool

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I support adding back CondoOS (why does everyone say CondOS, easier to pronounce?), I prefer it over a bland C menu. Of course some things can still be done from the C menu, like environment controls and guest management.

I really want to See CondOS again :smiley:, but It’s hoppe We can modificate it more

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If condOS returns id love to see blind settings to close and open them when watching films or videos

It’s an official, we have no plans to do it at this time.


pls do it ;-;
I mean
first finish the important features like Little Crusaders, etc
but please
bring CondOS back :C

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