Some materials from the materials+ save posted to the forums that I’d like in the material select (all coords listed are (Y, Z) since X is always 0):
Wood Square Tiles (-250, 412.4)
Leather (-200, 312.47)
Tree Bark (1200, 362.47)
Tree Bark 2 (1901.52, 312.47)
Palm Tree Bark (-1100, 362.47)
Classic Casino Carpet (1851.52, 312.47)
Dimples (1951.52, 112.47)
Rice (2001.52, 112.47)
Mossy-ish Cobblestone (3135.62, 662.4)
Cork (3485, 662.4)
Rough Coastal Stone (2101.52, 262.47)
Heat Blanket (1050, 612.4)
Moon 1 (650, 162.47)
Weathered Bricks (500, 462.4)
Fur (-1250, 662.4)
Wooden Blinds (2351.52, 112.47)
Plaza Grass (White) (2251.52, 212.47)
Snow & Stone (2051.52, 462.4)
Candy (2051.52, 512.4)
Ceiling TIle Strips (2101.51, 612.4)
Hologram (2201.52, 512.4)
Stylized Wood Planks (1451.52, 262.47)
Rough Coastal Stone 2 (1601.52, 212.47)
Metallic Honeycomb (2501.52, 612.4)
Space Station Wall (700, 112.47)
Moon 2 (-600, 162.47)
Static (-400, 262.47)
Linoleum Tiles (1501.52, 362.47)
Dark Blue Marble Tile (2551.52, 312.47)
Carbon Fiber (-1200, 562.4)
Pine Wood Planks (-1050, 412.4)
LC / Accelerate Bricks (500, 412.4)
LC Cobblestone (-1100, 112.47)
Woodlands Bonus Tile (-1050, 212.47)
LC Brick 2 (-200, 162.47)
LC Mossy Brick (-150, 162.47)
Scarred Dirt (-850, 112.47)
Scarred Mud (-750, 112.47)
Sandy Bricks (-700, 162.47)
Lumpy Bricks (-1000, 312.47)
Holey Concrete (2401.52, 362.47)
Warped Metal (2451.52, 112.47)
LC Mossy Tile (-1050, 112.47)
Hypnotic Spiral (-1100, 262.47)
Stainless Steel (-800, 462.4)
Dark Tree Bark (2201.52, 412.4)
Fake Interior Dark (2451.52, 362.47)
Songbirds Mosaic (450, 112.47)
Wafer (1501.52, 412.4)
Water with Lilies (2201.52, 212.47)
Flowing Water (2051.52, 562.4)
Ceiling Tile Dark Strips (2251.52, 162.47)
Bumpy Stone That Flickers on Canvas Cubes Rotated 90/180 Degrees But Works Great Aside From That (-1000, 212.47)
Same Texture As Above But No Displacement (2885.62, 662.4)
Unreal Default Texture (1901.52, 262.47)
Stacked Planks (1351.52, 412.4)
Glowing Ice (1701.52, 612.4)
Orange Circuitboards (1751.52, 562.4)
LC Moss (-450, 162.47)
Windbreaker Pattern (1751.52, 162.47)
Tarp (1701.52, 262.47)
Light Hologram (-1250, 612.4)
Stone Path 2 (-1050, 362.47)