Condo I/O - Input and Output Suggestions Megathread

Instead of creating multiple different threads for various different Condo I/O Input suggestions, I decided to make just one that will instead have more added to it.

Starting off, I’m going to add a few inputs I’d like to suggest.



OnEnter - When a player initially speaks to the NPC (replaces the current input OnTalkedTo to avoid confusion)
OnResponseX - When a player clicks “Talk” to get more dialogue on the NPC; X = the number of responses in the order they were placed in
OnTalkedTo - When a player clicks “Talk” to get more dialogue on the NPC; doesn’t consider whatever response it is
OnGoodbye - When a player clicks “Goodbye”; similar to what the Celebrations NPC already has in the plaza


Post-Processing Volume

Literally all of this being adjustable

Various Post-Processing Volume Outputs

ChangePriority - Changes the priority of the volume
SetIntensity - Changes the intensity of the volume
ToggleGlobal - Makes the volume either global or not global
SetTransition - Changes the transition speed
SetSaturation - Changes the saturation level
SetContrast - Changes the contrast level
SetGain - Changes the gain level
SetTint - Changes the tint color
SetShadows - Changes the shadows color
SetChromaticIntensity - Changes the chromatic intensity
SetBloomIntensity - Changes the bloom intensity
SetVignetteIntensity - Changes the vignette intensity
SetLensFlareIntensity - Changes the lens flare intensity
SetGrainIntensity - Changes the grain intensity
SetPixelateValue - Changes the pixelate value
SetPosterizeValue - Changes the posterize value

Player Movement Volume

Various Player Movement Volume Outputs

SetJumpHeight - Sets the jump height
SetSprintMultiplier - Sets the sprint multiplier
AllowJump - Self-explanatory
DisallowJump - Self-explanatory
AllowCrouch - Self-explanatory
DisallowCrouch - Self-explanatory
AllowSuicide - Self-explanatory
DisallowSuicide - Self-explanatory

Sky Volume

Literally all of this being adjustable

Various Sky Volume Outputs

ToggleGlobal - Makes the volume either global or not global
ToggleAdjustFog - Changes fog adjust to be either on or off
SetFogIntensity - Self-explanatory
SetFogDensity - Self-explanatory
SetFogColor - Self-explanatory
SetFogFalloff - Self-explanatory
SetFogViewDistance - Self-explanatory
SetFogDistanceColor - Self-explanatory
ToggleOverrideSkyTint - Toggles whether the volume overrides the sky tint or not
SetSkyLightTint - Self-explanatory
SetStarsColor - Self-explanatory
ToggleAdjustSkyColors Toggles whether the volume adjusts the sky colors or not
SetHorizonColor - Self-explanatory
SetZenithColor - Self-explanatory
SetSunColor - Self-explanatory
SetMoonColor - Self-explanatory
SetCloudColor - Self-explanatory
ToggleTimeOfDayOverride Toggles whether the volume overrides the time of day or not
SetTimeOfDay - Self-explanatory
ToggleSun - Enables or disables the sun
SetBuiltLighting - Self-explanatory

Water Volume

Various Water Volume Outputs

SetWaterColor - Self-explanatory
SetShallowWaterColor - Self-explanatory
SetUnderwaterColor - Self-explanatory
SetWaterType - Self-explanatory
SetWaterFriction - Self-explanatory
ToggleTopOnly - Self-explanatory
ToggleFilterPlayers - Self-explanatory
ToggleFilterPhysics - Self-explanatory

Location Volume

Various Location Volume Outputs

SetLocationName - Self-explanatory
ToggleFlashlight - Self-explanatory
ToggleParticles - Self-explanatory
ToggleWeapons - Self-explanatory
TogglePets - Self-explanatory
ToggleVoice - Self-explanatory
ToggleEmotes - Self-explanatory
ToggleJetpack - Self-explanatory
ToggleForcedPVP - Self-explanatory
ToggleJump - Self-explanatory
ToggleNameTags - Self-explanatory
ToggleVoiceChat - Self-explanatory

I’m sure there’s more volumes I didn’t even touch on, but this is everything I can think of immediately. If you have a list of Condo I/O inputs or outputs you’d like to see in the game, post them here! I’d love to see what y’all come up with <3

List of objects from the Condo IO / Game Objects tab with properties not available as actions that were not mentioned above.
This list is made by comparing the Properties tab and the IO Debugging tab.
Some properties may not make sense to have an action, like the minigolf objects, but all will be noted regardless.
Objects from the Inventory tab are being ignored for this list.

all volumes: shape property
all canvas: animation column and row values

all objects with every property lacking an action
Block Volume
Boost Volume
Camera IO (has "Zoom" action that seems unrelated to "Zoom Speed" property)
Camera Volume
Custom Spawn Point
Damage / Heal Volume
Dialogue Volume
Game Wolrd Music Manager
Gravity Volume
Health Pickup (has "None" action that seems unrelated to "Health Amount" property)
Hidden Launcher
Hidden Seat
Laser Beam
Minigolf Hole
Minigolf Hole Start Pad
Minigolf Intro Camera
Minigolf Launcher Drum
Minigolf Launcher Geyser
Minigolf Launcher Gong
Minigolf Launcher Hidden
Minigolf Launcher Pirate Cannon
Minigolf Volume: Friction
Minigolf Volume: In Bounds
Minigolf Volume: Out Of Bounds
Minigolf Volume: Putt
Minigolf: Curve Piece
Minigolf: End Piece
Minigolf: Half Pipe Piece
Minigolf: Hole Piece
Minigolf: Inner Corner Piece
Minigolf: Intersection Piece
Minigolf: Loop
Minigolf: Outer Corner Piece
Minigolf: Ramp
Minigolf: S Bend Piece
Minigolf: Side Shift Piece
Minigolf: Straight Piece
Sound Volume
Spawn Point Tag Volume
Teleport Volume
Trigger Volume

objects with partial properties lacking an action:

Basic Lever
Handle Shape
Base Visibility
Basic Shape Button
Button Shape
Base Visibility
Canvas Button
Button Shape
Base Visibility
Counter Module
Persistant Save
Show Value Always
Floating Chat
Text Color
Background Color
Floating Text
Font Size
Hit Target Volume
Blood Type
Show Value Always
Hit FX
Weapon Filter
Camera Filter
Light Switch
Base Visibility
Minigolf Pipe
Travel Duration
Apply Exit Velocity
Exit Velocity
Zero Out Velocity While Traveling
Mover Controllable
Trigger Events
Spin Rate
Mover Path
Auto Start
Trigger Events
Start Delay
Reverse Rate
Stop Duration
Closed Loop
Spin Axis
Auto Start Spin
Offset Position
Offset Rotation
Mover Player Slide
Show Slide
Use Pool Tube
Show Splashes
Mover Simple
Auto Start
Trigger Events
Reverse Rate
Stop Duration
Spin Axis
Auto Start Spin
Offset Position
Ofset Rotation
Mover Train
Auto Start
Trigger Events
Spin Rate
Spin Axis
Offset Position
Ofset Rotation
Cart Type
Cart Number
Station Wait Time
Cart Spacing
Track Type
Physics Slot
Automatically Eject From Slot
Base Visibility
Matches Name
Physics Spawner
Item To Spawn
Has Gravity
Up Angle
Max Spawned
Life Spawn
Spawn On Destroy
Spawn Interval
Rotation Offset
Player Input Volume
Enable Camera
Push Volume
Up Angle
Players Filter
Physics Filter
Max Random Outputs
No Repeats
Relay Module
Fire Once
Relay To All Module
SDNL Armor Pickup
Armor Amount
Sound Emitters
Min/Max Volume
Min/Max Pitch
Min/Max Random Playback Time
Starts Playing
Play Once
Fall Off
Soften Behing Walls
Infinite Range
Playlist Mode
Timer Module
Randomize Duration
Min/Max Duration
Show Value Always
Start On Spawn
Weapon Pickup
Display Stand
Display Glow
Pickup Effects

If all properties were adjustable with actions, duplicate objects to fake changes will no longer be needed.


Not gonna lie, didn’t see this while scrolling so I didn’t know it existed