Can't see anything!

Upon loading the game, I can see all menu overlays-- but everything else is black in the background!
I tried loading up a condo, and can hear the noise of walking around, but can’t see anything. same thing happened
when loading a golf game and joining a lobby. I tried messing with resolutions and settings but nothing has worked.
All of my system requirements are equal to or better than the recommended resources. I would love some help!

Try updating your graphics drivers and restart your computer. Please post your computer specs as well.


Thanks for the response,
I am trying to run it on parallels desktop which can cause a ton of issues, so I would understand if there’s no fix.
Windows 8 64-bit, 8 GB ram, 3.20 GHz processor, running DirectX 11. Just under 2 GB of VRAM

Try dowloading this and check if you don’t see anything eaither

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That is not a good thing. You need atleast 2 GB of VRAM for the game to run properly.

This is your issue. Tower Unite is a strictly native Windows only game at this time (we do have a beta version for Linux, but nothing for Mac OS).

In other words, you won’t be able to run it on parallels desktop and we won’t be supporting that, either. You need to use bootcamp and run Windows natively, provided you have an Intel chipset (most modern Apple computers do).

As someone mentioned as well, you might have too little VRAM, but it’s really the parallels desktop that is your issue.

Thanks for linking that! I’m surprisingly able to see fine in the UE test

It should also be mentioned that Parallels uses virtual hardware instead of your GPU, so even then you’d have horrible performance.

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