Cant join lobby/plaza?

I can access my condo and walk around without lag, but I cant join the Plaza. When I try to connect, the game freezes on the loading sign and stops responding.

Computer Specs

Processor: Intel® Core™ i3-3130M CPU @ 2.60GHz

Video Card: Intel® HD Graphics 4000

RAM: 4.0 GB

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 (build 9600), 64-bit

Moved to bug reports as this is a bug.
Also, if you got a crash dump, you should let the devs download it. You can learn how to here: Game Crashing? Help a developer out!

For how long did you wait? It’s normal for the loading screen to freeze. Wait for maybe one minute and if it’s still not responding check your Ram usage and HDD load.

Thanks for the reply, I can join the lobby, but I’m lagging and can’t move well. It’s probably just my computer, thanks anyway!

Your graphics card is a huge bottleneck on your system.

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Ups didn’t pay attention to that…