There’s many things that need to be fixed with the game in it’s current state and this is why I’m putting this as a suggestion since this stuff should be priortiy over new features.
Bumper Cars is really laggy
Bowling seems bland, but glad the next update might fix this
Racing is laggy and super behind at times
The matchmaking queue for the main games breaks alot.
The plaza can be laggy at times
Supporter Pack 2 seems really limited and can use more perks to hopefully attract more players to support it
*There’s so much potential on this game, but most of it is being ruined/downgraded mainly due to performance issues and this is a big problem in why players aren’t going to come back for more. I also wouldn’t suggest going into 1.0 until all of these issues are fixed as well.
Bowling is completely alright though. The only problem with it are physics. But yes, I agree otherwise. Most people on here sadly won’t take you seriously though - And that’s not just me saying it, because I do think you are absolutely right. But there’s a reason for why you are still at 0 votes (1 as of now with mine though) - And that is because most people would tell you that PixelTail is supposedly working their ass off on the game, which couldn’t be further away from the truth. They spent almost 10, if not soon 11 years on this game, and yet, it still plays the exact same - Boring, dull, full of problems that sometimes get better, sometimes get worse. Discord is much the same, and really, the only place you will get your complaints heard is Steam forums and Steam reviews, as that’s where most people playing this game have went - There, you are free to speak out your mind as harshly as you want to. I can really easily recommend doing this - It’s great, simple way of being actually seen and acknowledged. I’m not gonna be surprised if, when 1.0 comes, hardly anyone will be interested in coming back to TU aside from hardcore players like myself and some others - It’s not just their target focus on things being wrong, it’s also a lot of transparency issues, early developers drama and a bunch of other stuff, that will easily contribute to this game’s Early Death (as opposed to Early Access).
A lot of our focus for 1.0 has been trying to iron out these issues, performance in Plaza is especially something that’s been worked on over time. Many of the new features are ones that have been left unfinished in the background and are being taken through the finish line, not really taking the place of fixes (though I understand how it can look like that).
Support Pack 2 will likely gain some additions with time, specifically there’s the possibility for Sprays in the future and a collection of them exclusive to the Supporter Pack 2.
The game very much does not play the exact same, as someone who’s been around for years even you should know that. The entire game is a multi-layered, compounding modular project, there will be issues and they get fixed.
This game’s development is possibly the most transparent of any Early Access game on Steam, there’s weekly dev logs, frequent updates and posts on Discord and Steam, and even the Trello to show our general Roadmap. Most games barely give you a monthly Devlog or direction update on Steam, much less weekly… most will disappear for months on end only to reappear and say they have a new update.
Also, that “early developer drama” is old enough and was not made public to the point where most players have no clue, that was many years ago. I had no clue about it before joining the team, and I have been playing since the beginning. Every development team has drama, especially ones stemming from fangames or modders, but the current members have outgrown that long ago.
Complaints on this forum are far more likely to be seen by developers, always has been the case.
Since announcing the Road to 1.0, we opened up a survey for providing feedback on the state of the game here: Road to 1.0 Feedback Survey
Please feel free to fill out this survey. We have been using it to prioritize major bugs.
As for bumper cars, it’s laggy when the Plaza is full and that’s pretty tricky to resolve because there is no 1 instant solution, we have to chip away at improving Plaza performance to make it better, which we have been each update. Bowling physics change that is coming out very soon will help reduce the CPU strain the Plazas handle which will improve responsiveness for all the games. But it’s just one game, and we will continue making changes to make it better.
For racing, do you mean Accelerate? The most major bug with Accelerate right now is the drifting mechanic, if you don’t have a great connection with the host the drift will feel off because the boost has a netlag with it that we are working on resolving.
What about matchmaking is broken for you? If you’re referring to them not being there currently, that’s a known issue and the next update resolves that. If it’s something else, can you specify it?
Plaza can definitely be laggy with a full server. A lot of “lag” can be attributed to un-optimized workshop player models, how many activities the server is running at that given time, or various other factors. We’re working on improving what we can, and we have made some major optimizations just recently. With this as well, it would be very useful to explain what part of the Plaza you find laggy and what exactly you mean by lag. Is it FPS lag, or networking lag, and which areas or aspects lag for you?
We explained more about the Supporter Pack 2 here in our recent State of the Game 2025 post:
As always, we take in feedback on our forums more often than anywhere else, Discord is too noisy sometimes and over the weekends I personally like to take a break from Tower because I work on it constantly during the week. I also prefer forums over the other places as I can organize it better and focus on each topic one at a time.
There’s been a lot of players having a fuckin whinge about lag and latency issues lately, I can’t tell if it’s a legit problem for some or if you’re all just taking the piss, but either way,
Tower Unite is optimised as fuck - at least for me.
I’m running every setting on Ultra, 144fps, wired connection, and I never lag in the Plaza.
Not once.
Not ever.
I have played the game since the beginning, and hell yeah - I agree with you, there was fucking lag, FPS lag, in Condos and the Plaza.
You know how I fixed that? I upgraded my 10 year old PC because I knew it was a ME problem.
The only time I see any issues is in Condos, and guess what? That’s because the host is running it on a Wi-Fi potato from across the room. Condos are player-hosted, meaning if the host’s connection is cooked, everyone suffers.
That’s someone with a shoddy modem and a prebuilt from 2015 yet it’s these people blaming the game who can’t afford to upgrade and instead complain it’s not them.
Some Condos have janky stuff in them. You learn pretty quick what works and what doesn’t. Crashes happen, and I can usually pinpoint what the issue is pretty quick, most of the time, it’s bloody Christmas lights frying your GPU or the scoreboard sending you straight to the desktop if you hold Tab on spawn.
That last one probably just needs a short spawn delay before being opened.
If you’re having issues, list your specs.
Be honest - does your PC even run Minecraft at 30fps? Half of these complaints are from people running setups that belong in a museum. The devs have to be polite, but I don’t. I’m gonna be direct as fuck because they can’t, If you haven’t upgraded anything since Barack Obama was President, maybe the problem isn’t the game.
If you felt personally attacked by my post, maybe it’s time to upgrade.
Wired connection, 60 FPS. It IS a problem. And it’s not just because I have a decade old hardware - You can have a look into active players and see a massive latency problem, even when you are say, from Poland like myself and are playing on European server. And normally, that internet connection, even on pure Wi-Fi, rather than Ethernet cable which I use normally instead, is pretty good for nearly everything, and our modem/router is about 2-3 years old. If I were you, I would stop personally attacking people and admit just how fucked this game is performance wise, because it’s a sad truth you want to reject, just to say “oh, upgrade your PC, that will solve EVERYTHING”. Networking code for Tower is a massive mess. Don’t need a programmer to tell you that, and that’s how you know it is BAD. Tell me, for real that is, can you differentiate between a problem with weak connectivity and ass PC? I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Reviews for this game are absolutely correct in what they are saying (about performance they mention), and plenty of people won’t tell you you are right just because the game works fine for you. I would hope you can realise that, but from reading your response alone, I have my doubts.
I have a 3070 RTX Graphics Card, i9 processor, 16 GB of Ram, 3 TB of storage, also have wired connection, and yet still experiencing in game issues! This isn’t a pc issue and I can run every game as of this day on my pc and also stream them perfectly fine with no lag. Unfortunately Tower Unite is buggy and this is due to overloaded servers that the game can’t handle and simply due to bugs and probably poor optimization/performance since there’s so much going on at once! Minigolf, a few arcade games/boardwalk games such as the shooting gallery, and the casino/club are the only things not experiencing no lag to very little lag
Finally someone who speaks out against a guy that pretends to be a know-it-all, which every single video game community has anyway. Thanks for that response. More people need to speak out like you.
Glad you guys are aiming to fix these things and if accomplished I can see Tower Unite succeeding much more! Keep up the epic work as I know you guys are constantly working on the game and glad to be a supporter of this project. Also my feedback is guidance to make Tower Unite a better game over being a critic and disowning such an amazing game!
I was suffered the same thing when I played TU, the game is super laggy because my PC couldn’t handle much power to render gold materials, especially fire and water jet particles.
I mean, sure, having a weak PC is pretty bad, but it’s far from the only thing this game suffers from. I can play somewhat decently on a decade old hardware, even though I have plans to upgrade to components from around 2019 to 2021. Sure, still pretty old, but so much better than any of what I have now, and would probably not have that many issues handling this game.