January Dev Update and State of the Game 2025

:star2: State of the Game 2025

Hello everyone, hope you all have been healthy and pushing forward to the best of your ability through the beginning of this new year!

We’re back again for a State of the Game post as well as our 2024 Year in Review, which you can find at the end of this post.

:gift: Supporter Pack 2 + Makeship Birb Plush

To start, I’d like to give a quick announcement about our support options as we have a new one, and one that’s just about to end!

We just added the Supporter Pack 2 on Steam for those who would like to support development!

We made this pack to get additional support we need for funding. As we’ve said in the past, Tower Unite has been running off of one-time purchases of the game for most of its existence, and recently has had some help from other sources of support income from you all. Aside from subscription based support like Patreon, options are limited for making a donation to the game, especially with many who like to get an additional gift, as we’ve learned from past feedback.

With a huge chunk of the intended content in the game, essentially no advertising, and a shift to cleanup work, we aren’t working on any flashy features that may bring in new users on their own. Advertising work is tricky with the game in its incomplete state, as well as our lack of resources. So, these extra income sources are very important to keeping the game alive while we spruce it up to a point where we can more confidently share it with the world!

When we’ve discussed support in the past with you all, people have asked for non-subscription based ways to give support, and for support options through Steam, so we made this second pack for those purposes. The gift offered is a simple gift that took limited development resources as to not get in the way of our 1.0 goals.

We appreciate any support and hope you enjoy the gifts if you get the pack!

We also wanted to say thank you to everyone for supporting the Birb Plush Makeship Campaign so far! This is your last chance to get one, so be sure to check out the campaign page if you’re interested!

:heart: Thank You All

Before I move on, we just want to say thank you to everyone for showing your love for the game whenever we have these external support options.

We’re very grateful to be able to continue offering the game we’re proud of while not sacrificing it’s vision as an accessible and jam-packed experience. Having you guys to help us along and make memories while we work on finishing this behemoth of a game is always a gift to us.

If you haven’t been able to support financially, thank you for playing Tower Unite, being a part of the community, and making this game alive. We make this game so we all can enjoy it, and we’re so happy that you’ve joined us in its development. And thank you for your feedback, reviews, discussions, and bug reports! We want this game to work just as much as you all do, and we appreciate your passion about it throughout all of these years.

:construction: Development Progress

In October, we announced the Road to 1.0 as a statement of our intent for the upcoming updates and future of Tower! We’ve been making steady progress on this goal.

Since then, we’ve had these major updates/hotfixes:

These have included major bug fixes, Plaza optimizations, reworkings of backend structures in the game, an expansion of our item catalog, finishing in-development content, and more.

Some of these updates include deviations from our original plans for the Road to 1.0 - such as the completion of the shooting galleries- as we make decisions on what features we can finish with our workflow. As you know, if you follow this project, working on TU is a very dynamic process, and we’ve taken in a lot of feedback about our plans and adjusted accordingly.

:video_game: Update

We have a major update coming out that will include:

  • Accelerate: Unit Routes & Mirror Mode
  • Bowling Physics Rework
  • Billiards Fixes
  • Arcade Milestone Items Finished
  • SDNL: Lookout + SDNL: Containership
  • SDNL Announcer

More details will be included in the changelog! The build is currently building, and we hope to get the update out ASAP.

:calendar: What’s up next?

We’re going to be working on some of the last remaining major 1.0 bugs as well as some minor bugs and issues that effect gameplay and performance. We have some features in the works that may come out, but our main priority is these bugs and other issues.

Please give us feedback on game performance and any major “in-your-face” bugs we may be missing.

:notebook: Tutorials

Tower doesn’t have many tutorials or a lot of in-game guidance, so we definitely want to rectify that for 1.0. We’ve been working on a Plaza introduction sequence for first-time entry to the area, which will cover using the stores and general locations in the Plaza.

We’ve been having discussions about better guidance for Condo building to help mitigate performance issues without sacrificing the high customization capabilities of Condos.

Other areas we’d like to improve on this front are the Arcade and Game World Ports.

:calendar: February Calendar

:fireworks: 2024 Year In Review :fireworks:

This year I’ve made a graphic for our year in review, so its hopefully easier to get the whole picture!

EDIT: I forgot to write thank you at the end of this. Thanks for reading!

<3 wheezwer


This team’s dedication, ambition, and talent are legitimately inspiring. But while every great game studio has these three qualities, it’s always the money that continues to halt progress. I will gladly support this game however I can as I believe there is much more than $20 worth of content to be experienced. The supporter packs are a great idea but even more means of donation, besides microtransactions, would be appreciated so that I may help you guys out even more financially. After all, I’ve spent $60 before on games that only had a fraction of the fun that Tower Unite has given me, it only feels fair. I wish you all the best of luck on your continuing progress towards the 1.0 release, everything done over the past year has been fantastic and I cannot wait to see what else is in store. With the right people promoting it and some solid advertising, I just know this game can grow far beyond anything it’s seen before once it’s out of early access. Thank you all for everything and I hope you have a good one! :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s amazing how far you guys been doing. It’s awesome!

I think Supporter Pack 2’s stuff is the way to go.
It’s like no one feels cheated.
Had they just got the game itself compare to Supporter Pack 1. (Love those by the way!)

Somewhat unrelated, any chance to support for GPay on Ko-Fi? I noticed you guys don’t have it available and GPay is the only thing I can do.

I still plan to get Supporter Pack 2 regardless!


Seriously. Just let us buy units. xD

I donated several times with paypal on ko-fi, but that didn’t stop me from purchasing the two supporter DLCs and the OST.Since my overhead on steam has been reduced by 90% since I started playing TU, I have enough budget to support TU.

To be honest, I’m worried about TU’s profitability, and financial issues seem to have been plaguing the development team. I have to remind developers that users are different, some are willing to trade hard work for game props, others are willing to spend a little money while being more efficient. No one should be forced to be the same as the other as long as they can remain fair.


Thanks for the post. I definitely plan to keep on playing Tower for years to come, but also to purchase Supporter Pack 2. However, two, very important things: Why can’t you guys just use the money you are getting from all of the support to invest resources into advertising past 1.0? While I have no idea about the financial status of the team, this sounds like something that could have had been possible enough to do. Also, second thing: There are at least a few Steam reviews regarding not being able to access content from both Supporter Packs when owning them. Why is that? Is it some kind of limitation from Steam or Tower’s integration with Steam’s systems? Maybe it’s an intentional choice? Whatever is the case, I hope you guys manage to fix or change it if it’s possible or if you are willing to do so. Thank you again for nearly 10 amazing years, albeit still problematic at times. Much love! :heart:

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Uh… No man. Sorry to say but the people who “felt cheated” don’t understand the kind of problems that exclusive items hidden behind a paywall are creating. I’m definitely not going to be supporting that, and if anything, we should be getting more stuff like Supporter Pack 1 instead.

Advertising is very expensive, costs about as much as 2 developers a month from a couple places that we were quoted from, and we currently do not have the financial resources for that. We are also focused on 1.0 development, and we are prioritizing our developers pay.

What do you mean about the supporter pack issues? We just fixed an issue with supporter pack tags just this morning.


Some people reported that even if you had both Supporter Packs enabled, apparently only content from one of them would work. This was over in some of the Steam reviews, but I don’t know if that information can be trusted. Maybe it was just a technical problem on their side? I’m not too sure. As for the advertising, that is understandable.

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