Appearance Upgrades!

Currently on Tower Unite people look pretty much the same. Same hair, same face and so on. It very boring and overall a big downside to the game.

I would like more options when it comes to appearances in the game for example adding different hair styles, body sizes, different clothes and so on (Mainly the hair cuts). I feel that people would look more unique then other players in the game so each person has pretty much their own style in terms of appearance. Personally I am very bored of seeing people look the same when I’m in the Plaza or playing mini-games.

I asked what people thought in chat of the Idea and one replied by saying “That would be cool”.

Short Summary:
- Add hair styles
- Add different body sizes
- Add different clothes

Thanks for reading! I hope you take my ideas and put them into the game.
Tell me what you think in the comments!

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Pretty sure this will happen in time regardless. Since character customization is more important to players than developers I imagine that it’s lower on the list of things they want to add.

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They may add it regardless but its good to put it on the forums to see how bad people want it and peoples views on the topic.

People want it badly the devs know that hence why it’s on the trello. This has also been suggested numerous times before. Use the search function or check the trello :wink:
Edit: not actually on the trello but the devs will add it and they know people want it.

Different body sizes are already possible just use the potions from Rob’s Imports.

I don’t mean as in height I mean as in fat, skinny and so on.

How I think this will turn out to be.

This is going to be great.


Maybe not that messed up! I was thinking more like sims.

Oh I see,

So like this?


Being able to buy clothing will add a whole new level of madness to this game :smile:
I’ve already spent more hours buying and arranging furniture in my condo than I have actually playing half the other games in my steam library