An open letter to PixelTail Games - I am cancelling my Patreon subscription

Yeah- including the images is definitely not something I’d’ve done, but like Caboose said- “definitive evidence is required.” My thing with that post was mostly bein’ a bit frustrated because the player report page says you need evidence. Sometimes you include evidence- nothing happens. Sometimes you include even more evidence because the same individual is breaking the same set of rules- nothing happens. Also. the character limit on the player report page gets halved. Something like pedophilia isn’t something you should accuse people of willy-nilly like, so having detailed, well-supported, evidence does seem like something that should be required in this case. Again- I agree that those images probably could have been done without, but also like- it had already been reported be someone else and disregarded 99.9% in the past. If it wasn’t something that had happened in an official Tower Unite discord or within a PixelTail moderated section of the game, why was the person banned this time? Like- I by no means agree with doxxing, but from what I hear the Big ol’ Greenman didn’t do that in a PixelTail moderated server and that dude had a petition on the plaza browser for months. And maybe it wasn’t the pedophilia stuff- maybe it was them repeatedly bugging people for GMT source code. I don’t have anything else to finish that thought other than saying you care more about your source code than you do -probable- predators roamin’ around your community, which I really hope isn’t the case, so I’m gonna move away from that bit. Though even if it was that- most of those interactions had happened outside of TU as well, such as on Discord or Steam. So I’d hate to side with someone who- based on what I’ve heard- may or may not be a lil bit of a freak, but I don’t think they should’ve been banned then. Bet you didn’t think I’d be siding with person B on this- did ya? It really took that individual kamikaze-ing to get that person banned.

It is for this reason- I am now on team #FreeDemeryx. Free my mans- he did nothing wrong- at least not in a PixelTail moderated environment. He can keep the leaderboard ban tho- I don’t trust Ball Race players. Never have, never will.

Also I’m kidding about that last part, frick that dude- please just moderate consistently. I beg of you. Plz don’t ban me from the forums- I’m just being funny haha regular badge haver. hummina hummina awooga- am I right?

Also also- person A was like, a separate someone months ago. So there’s at least like- three people here. Imma say it’s none of my business- but there should at least be a person C, and if the alphabet goes in chronological order, C would be the person who got nuked.

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk, please view some of my Little Crusaders suggestions:
Require Knights to be on the ground to be stomped
Disable (or add option to disable) camera smoothing as dragon