[56K Modem Warning] Tower Unite Discord Development Sneak Peek

oh, well that’s embarrassing lol. I would love some new effects on the speed shoes. They still look like their from the early alpha, probably because they are.

I think V_Desertion, MG_Waterhole, and MG_Garden need visual upgrades before that.

Waterhole had a visual upgrade already.
Garden is getting a new lighting pass at the moment.
I remember Lifeless talking about updating Desertion at some point.

I don’t think we will update the effects for the speed shoes unless they are bugged.


July 15th, 2018

Notice: All items below are provided without context. There is NO guarantee anything featured in them will be present in the final release. These items are shown from RAW development. Items are in chronological order, bottom being most recent.


Rad progress so far. Good job guys ;3


Couple things about the chat so far:

###Local Chat Changes
Local Chat messages will show up in Global Chat, and will have the [LOCAL] tag next to them. There will be a setting to toggle off displaying Local Chat messages in Global Chat.

Player leave and join messages now have player data associated with them. You can click on the player name of a “leave message” and find out what their Steam profile is, or add them as a friend. This is incredibly useful if you had fun with a person and something happened where they disconnected without sending a chat message.

###Global Chat
All Global Chat is available in every single game - and the menu. The message will be tagged depending on where you sent the message from:

  • From the menu: Menu
  • From an official Plaza, it’s based on region: US DAL, US LA, EU FRAN1
  • From a Condo it shows the Condo owner’s name and Condo map: MacDGuy's Condo, MacDGuy's House
  • From a Game World: Ball Race, Virus, Zombie Massacre

When you start a Game World or enter your Condo, it will send a “game invite” notification to Global Chat with a button to join their server. If you start a friends-only or private server, this notification will not be sent. There will be a setting to only display these messages in the announcements chat tab (the bullhorn icon).
A couple of examples of what these will look like:

  • If you start a public Game World server: MacDGuy started Ball Race - GLXY
  • If you start a public Condo: MacDGuy entered their Smooth Dirt

You can block all messages/notifications from a specific player by using the block feature. Any game start notifications will not appear from blocked players, either.

All chat messages are filtered, if you have the parental controls enabled for filtering bad words.

All previous chat messages persist between switching servers or maps.


Global chat seems like its going to have a very positive impact on the community. The main menu, private condos and empty plazas always had an isolated feeling to them and I think that will be remedied greatly.

Finally Virus games will no longer elude me or require me to keep an eye on server lists/Game world ports. Also hopefully this means getting the four minimum players will be much quicker!


Does the new chat UI still have issues where blocked/muted player’s chat appears for a fraction of a second? It is quite disorienting.

Does the message for opening a public condo occur when you open your condo to public after starting it on another setting?


Thanks !

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hey look das me

July 16th, 2018

Notice: All items below are provided without context. There is NO guarantee anything featured in them will be present in the final release. These items are shown from RAW development. Items are in chronological order, bottom being most recent.


I disagree with this change as I think it kind of defeats the purpose of local chat?
It’s a good change for people in the plaza going “who are you talking to?” to the guy talking to someone using local chat, but that’s it.

It just defeats the point that it’s a LOCAL chat, private for that Gameworld, Condo, (maybe even plaza locations?)

Still the rest of the changes are really cool and I’m glad these updates are coming along swiftly.

But Local chat is still only sent to whoever is in that gameworld, condo, lobby. I think. Like this just means that local chat can be display in the same feed as Global, but you’re only seeing the local chat from the area you’re in. You won’t see local chat in some random condo while you’re in a lobby.

Also this is nice because if you see a local chat tag on a message while in menu you know its a hacker or a ghost.

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Ohhhh Ok yeah I get it now. I didn’t realize that was what Mac meant. Ok so It’s one single tab showing your global chat and your local unless it’s toggled otherwise to show in two tabs. Now that I understand that it makes a lot more sense and is actually a good idea as global chat could get crowded.


ohh i thought local chat is only a chat for players that are near to you …


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July 26th, 2018

Notice: All items below are provided without context. There is NO guarantee anything featured in them will be present in the final release. These items are shown from RAW development. Items are in chronological order, bottom being most recent.


very accurate