[] Snapping turns on when using gizmo hotkeys other than "F" while text is in searchbar

There is a very specific issue where snapping will turn on when doing specific sequences of hotkeys in the gizmo while there is text in the inventory search bar.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Type anything into the search bar.
  2. Click on any condo object to open the gizmo (Do not close the inventory tab)
  3. Press E to activate rotation mode _(If you did this “correctly” it should not work.)
  4. Press R then Q. If snapping did not turn on, try E,R,Q,E,R,Q until snapping turns on. If snapping is activating, you do not need to press E and can toggle snapping by going R,Q,R,Q.
  5. Closing the inventory will stop this issue from happening.

Notes / Media

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