[] Unable to redeem multiple units objects in quick succession

When trying to redeem multiple units objects in quick succession, like chests or bags of units, it will cause a temporary disconnection from steam if you attempt subsequent redeem actions before the first one has completed.

The bug is similar to what is described here: Unable to redeem. Unable to connect to Steam. - And other things

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Place down at least 2 redeemable units objects, like Pile of Units
  2. Attempt to redeem them both in quick succession

What I expected to happen

Them to both be successfully redeemed and to maintain steam connection.

What happened

Both redeems fail and a temporary steam disconnection occurs.

Notes / Media

Video: Tower unite redeem units bug - YouTube

When attempting 3 or more quick-succession redeems that fail, the units count in the bottom left is replaced by “OFFLINE (AGC)” for a couple seconds.

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