[] Condo Lighting Desync

:warning: Important: Please include the version number of the game in the title! (for example: [] Broken Feature).
The latest version is []

Clients are not seeing the same level/quality of lighting as the host

What I see as the host:-

What others are seeing:-

Steps to Reproduce

Build a room from canvas primitives way out from the world origin (eg 80,000 units), place Spacelights to illuminate it.

What I expected to happen

Everyone to see the same level/quality of lighting

What happened

Clients see mostly darkness

Notes / Media

Other misc. notes about the bug. Picture or videos are appreciated!


Does this happen when you are closer to the origin?

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Yes, and it appears to be related to much deeper issue, please see my new thread, thanks :slight_smile:

In the new thread, I detailed that when Spacelights are placed, they have a stated radii of 1,000 in the Properties panel, and this is only applies for the host

If left unchanged, Clients will only see Spacelights having a radii of about 350

I reopened Courtyard Villa and changed all the Spacelights in the custom spawn room to have a radii of 350, which now matches the friend’s screenshot

My screenshot:-

Friend’s screenshot:-

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I accidentally deleted the new thread, I intended to edit but clicked the wrong thing (Discourse should provide a confirmation toast)

I don’t believe for a moment that it’s been fully deleted from the database so you may still be able to undelete it?

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