The Corrupt-A-Wish Foundation

Sorry, it’s under development
I wish for some better cereal

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Wish granted! You now get Cheerios, and you now dislike extremely sugary cereals. (It’s not that bad, I promise)

I wish that the Units that appear during a transaction in Tower Unite would spin around in all axis, like GMT.

Wish granted, but it drops your fps to literally actually negative.

I wish that I could plant the Spin to Win potatoes to grow more potatoes so could make my money back.

The potatoes are worthless. SOrry bud. But you 'aint getting money from that.
I wish that this tough time in life was over.

Ok. An even harder time has appeared!
I wanna get unbanned from the TU Discord. Please :disappointed:

wish granted, but you got banned from steam
i wish for shit

Wish Granted, Your shit is a ton of Pony toys.

I wish for a Dragon Costume

Wish granted, however it’s too big for you to wear.

I wish that this Corrupt-A-Wish Foundation would never exist in real life. Can you imagine how chaotic it would get if this foundation actually existed and worked?

Jokes on you! It’ll exist.

but creativity is banned in the future.
I wish for more VR games.

granted, but they’re all absolute crap

I want bacon. just bacon. nothing else.

Wish granted! a whole plate of bacon! except one piece is poisoned. Eat up!
I wish i was a regular

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ok, but you have no tag

i wish for my next wish to not be corrupted

Wish granted! However, you get banned for forcing others to break the rules.

I wish that you, the reader about to corrupt this wish, would decide to say “NO” to corrupting wishes.

Wish granted, but they say yes to corrupting your wishes

I wish there was a next MIKU EXPO song contest so i can enter it

They will kik you out of the contest because guitar.

I wish for the wish of a wish to be a very popular wish made for entertaining wishes to give out more wishes per wish.

Granted, but the wish physically manifests in the form of a goblin that will kick you in the achilles tendon if you even so much as think about wishes ever again.

I wish for world peas.

You get world peace instead.
I wish for people to stop mind-fucking people.

So, if your dream was to bring all the knowledge together (so the people themselves don’t have to do that) for one big jamboree, I’m sorry, but it’s not gonna happen.

But first, we need to clear something up. I wish I could call my efforts here only a half.

Your efforts are the bad half of them.

I wish I knew Dave.

now you know him, but he doesnt know you.

i wish mike wazowski was real