RGB values for various real-world lights

Going off of this post, I am here to bring you the beauty of real-world lights.

##Kelvin-heat light sources

Light source - Red, Green, Blue - sample pic.
Candle - 255,147,41- Pic
40W Tungsten - 255,197,143 - Pic
100W Tungsten - 255, 214, 170 - Pic
Halogen - 255, 241, 224 - Pic
Carbon Arc - 255, 250, 244 - Pic
High Noon Sun - 255, 255, 251 - Pic
Direct Sunlight - 255, 255, 255 - Pic
Overcast Sky - 201, 225, 255 - Pic
Clear Blue Sky - 64, 156, 255 - Pic

##Fluorescent lights
Light source - Red, Green, Blue - sample pic.
Warm Fluorescent - 255, 244, 229 - Pic
Standard Fluorescent - 244, 255, 250 - Pic
Cool White Fluorescent - 212, 245, 255 - Pic
Full Spectrum Fluorescent - 255, 244, 242 - Pic
Grow Light Fluorescent - 255, 249, 247 - Pic
Black Light Fluorescent - 167, 0, 255 - Pic

##Gaseous light sources (street lamps)
Light source - Red, Green, Blue - sample pic.
Mercury Vapor - 216, 247, 255 - Pic
Sodium Vapor - 255, 209, 178 - Pic
Metal Halide - 242, 252, 255 - Pic
High Pressure Sodium - 255, 184, 76 - Pic


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That dude’s like :"ARE YOU FINISHED YET?? "

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