
Honestly, I hope i’m not the first person so speak about this.

There is a bit of an issue with bullying and other forms of harassment on crowded servers.

I know you can’t stop trolls from being trolls and people from being d*cks to others.

But I do think we need a small moderation team atleast to deal with this kind of stuff.

I’m not trying to over justify the servers, I just would like to see a bit of a moderation team looking to make this game a little bit more friendly to those who are new and those who have played since day one.

I apriciate the team so much,

Thank you guys!

You’re definitely not the first and it really does need to happen. Luckily, I think it may finally be happening. The Daily Dev Logs have been mentioning work on a Moderation API. People have been bugging them for awhile about this.



Just what every game needs… more censorship…

You’re right. I should be able to shit on other people and spam my funny hitler ASCIIs in a public chat with more than 200+
people. Stupid censorship am I right?


But there’s a big difference in what people consider “Bullying” and “Harassment”. Obviously racism shouldn’t be accepted. [quote=“Davidn64, post:6, topic:24356”]
I should be able to shit on other people

So having the ability to disagree with someone turns into everyone just “shitting” on eachother and snowflakes think opinions can’t be refuted and everything they say should just be accepted with no negativity. swearing is unacceptable too?

I still think people should just simply block them, or is just not enough and you want to see people pay for not agreeing? because that what most cases seem to be about, not racism, or slurs, just someone not happy because “they called me a weeb, ban them plz”

You are pretty much disagreeing to not having any moderation. People have already been complaining how toxic the chat already is. Certain steam reviews also had to suffer from that.

Go ahead and block them, but this won’t change the fact that people don’t feel confortable to chat in an enviourment like this. Every game has moderation for big chatrooms like these.

I just want people to rely on their selves to block what they find inappropriate and not someone else pulling the strings. a filter on spam is fine.[quote=“Davidn64, post:8, topic:24356”]
Every game has moderation for big chatrooms like these.

No… they really don’t, i play plenty of games (on Steam) that has no censorship on what is said, but there is a spam filter. I just don’t get how someone doesn’t feel comfortable in chat unless someone is banned, because blocking them from seeing or hearing anything you say just isn’t enough.

Because thats showing support. The devs or moderators want to be for the community and they do wanna raise attention to their concerns. If the devs or moderators don’t give a damn about whats going on in the public chat, few people would just not bother to talk here anymore. This chat would turn into 4chan’s /b/ really damn fast.

I agree that moderation isn’t nesessarry for private chats, but when we are talking about a big mass of people who are about 8 to 20+ years old, then this becomes a problem.

Which is why age restricted filters should be in place, rather than one or more moderators. Again, everything is available to the user to block what they deem inappropriate, but people still want to rely on someone else to do it for them. Giving me the tools to deal with people, shows more than enough support from the devs to me.

Edit: Bottom line for me is, I don’t mind SOME censorship, but some can turn into OVER censorship. Where people can’t say anything to another person without being threatened with a ban. I’ve seen this happen in games before, where it turns into a safe space for certain groups, then becomes a game filled with only those groups.

To use the Global Chat, you’ll have to follow the rules. Global Chat is broadcasted across the entire game, we absolutely cannot ignore certain content. We want to maintain a healthy atmosphere with the Global Chat.

Edit: I would like to also mention that we’d take moderation extremely seriously and would have logs to gather context on any reported claims of abuse. It would not be some sort of automatic process, but a diligent and human handled process.


The chat in private condo’s wont be logged right?

It’s not censorship, it’s enforcing basic social rules and human decency


As long as it’s a “Human handled process” there’s a chance it can be used and abused with that persons own bias on what is deemed as acceptable and “human decency”. TBH though, I’m thinking about how much i actually talk in chat and how much these things really affect me, and the answer is pretty much, not at all.

I suppose my main concern is…WHAT ARE THE RULES?

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This is probably the thing that needs to be most transparently presented, especially as moderation gets a larger focus. We had the nice rules board in GMT, which was right in front of every player when they spawned. There wasn’t any confusion there. In TU, however, I haven’t seen a single rule regarding anything. It’s completely understandable, then that people might think there’s no rules.

Until some undeniable, unmistakable presentation of the rules is in place, I don’t really think anyone can be banned for what they do.


here’s the original board :blush:

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We cannot Spray anymore
GMC is not available anymore, then no possible trading yet

I’m aware of this. I’m just showing an image of the old Rules Board

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In my opinion, moderation does NOT entirely equal censorship. At all. It just means keeping the chats safe and relatively clean so that people won’t be annoyed by people who want to ruin chat for everyone.

Also, I agree that people should have easy access to the chat rules somewhere in the lobby so at least people know what not to do.

Moderation by definition is censorship; it’s telling people what they can or cannot say and punishing accordingly. This isn’t bad, mind you, it’s just good to know how far to take things. Too little, and you get toxic chat. Too much, and people are scared to say anything. I prefer keeping things on the lax side to keep opinions flowing, but if someone’s receiving threats or being legitimately harassed then that’s certainly something to look into.