Ideas/questions about the workshop update

So i was wondering how the whole custom playermodels will work. like if you could blacklist some or just turn them off all together. Maybe make it so you have the vanilla playermodel for people who choose to deactivate custom PMs along side the custom one, so it doesnt look weird. Also, will we have mounts? like planes, bikes and stuff? No big stuff, gokart size stuff mostly. And how will you perform qaulity control so we dont have some massive penis running around the plaza?


Here’s some information.


“massive penis running around” :joy::joy::joy:


I feel like Vrchat has showed us custom playermodels are a BAD idea

i think the workshop is gonna ruin the game, like for player models, if people can just get their own models why are hats and other cosmetics in the game? they will have no point?

Same goes if you add condo decoration…

the workshop is sum scary stuff.

Could you elaborate?


That video makes me think it’s even more of a good idea now tbh xP


Skipped around in the video, I don’t see the problem.

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look how cancerous the player models are

then turn them off and never worry about them again?

All I see are anime characters (arguably quite a few waifus) and other silly avatars. I cannot spot a tumor anywhere. :smile_cat: Even if there might literally be one because I just skipped through…

Seriously though, is there anything wrong with the Playermodels except for being based on japanese animation? And if not, why exactly would that be a problem? (I hope there’s an objective answer…)

I don’t think it’s necessarily the anime characters that he’s referring to as a bad idea (although to be fair, I’ve seen many people who loathe anime), but rather the silliness factor behind the models. Personally, I found the video hilarious and can see custom player models being incredible, stupid fun, waifus and all, but I understand that some people don’t want TU to go off the deep end there and fully devolve into a silly experience. Different stokes for different folks I guess :stuck_out_tongue: