GMod Tower: Sound Content (Download)

Using GMAD Extractor I extracted all the GMod Tower workshop content that had sound in it and put it all into one pack and uploaded it for everyone to download.
This includes music.

Let me know what you think :smile:




I just tried to download it and its saying I need a decryption key. What is the key?

Hold on I messed this shit up 1 second

Edited, does it work?

Yep, it works. Download it now. :slightly_smiling:

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An offline version of gmod tower would be nice. Maybe somebody can get something like that to work?

I don’t believe the developers intend to do that. After all, GMod Tower was made to be online and played with friends.

Ok found this:


Awesome! Now I can make myself a ‘classic sounds’ mod for Tower Unite! We here boys

PixelTail can’t deliver Quite Spectacular for Paradise, but I can!


Wow this actually worked good job. P.S. I love the music in GMT.

Nice! I wanted to download the Gmod Tower sounds since its removed, because i want to use them for some things