General Nitpicking Thread

Omg i never noticed that. But now I can’t unsee it! Damn!

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Not sure if this has already been posted but this missing face always bugs me.

Also a lot of the UV mapping is off, like on the minigolf courses Alpine and Sweet Tooth.

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The inability to change the textures on these door frames.

It looks so ugly with non-white textures.


The banners are different colors and the monorail strut is made of metal while everything around it is made of wood and brick.

The gameworlds lobby seems more tucked away and feels uninviting to me.

The inside and outside of the tower seem dark compared to the lighter tone of the stores and boardwalk. Project 12 does not seem to be dark like the rest of the tower.

The inside of the monorail is dark as well as the windows, there are no seats in the monorail.

The textures on the Poseidon and bumper cars buildings are very different from the ones used on other buildings.

You are unable to change the lights on the surface in the underwater condo map.
All of these statements except for the previous are simply my opinion.


On Sweet Tooth, landing in a puddle of chocolate should say “Chocolate Hazard” instead of “Water Hazard”.


Thank you! This ruined the map for me.
Possibly more gamebreaking than floating pizza slices.


Did you know that the globe does not spin on the correct axis? Despite being hinged at an angle, it spins around the vertical axis.


these jump pads make the central plaza feel messy and cluttered and the trees on them add to the cluttered feeling

These fountains have the same cluttered affect as the jump pads to a lesser degree.

The benches placed throughout the plaza are unused and not noticed by most players.

The ground here is in-fact…

Not Real.

What are these for?

These rocks could use some moss.

All the flowers in the central plaza are red and orange.

There is a catsack in the toystore but you are unable to buy catsacks at the toystore

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Why is this fountain inside the building

It appears there is nothing behind these windows, so why are they here.
(Aside from being a very nice thing to look at)


You do know some buildings have fountains in them, right?


ye, but having one like that in a fairly small room. i would expect nothing to be there, or a fountain that takes up the full area there.

there’s a spider plush on display in the toy stop but you can’t but it there !!!


buy* I just noticed now

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Y’know you can edit posts/replies,

You can’t edit a reply after a certain amount of time.


The Double or Nothing screen is bigger than it should be while active. This is a weird one because i remember it being normal in the past.


I use those benches.

The Zombie Massacre “Uzi” is actually a Mac 10/11 Ingram.


The shrimp item is just a glowing PNG. No 3D model, nothing. It’s also extremely small- a bit of a size change would be nice. Shrimp generally isn’t the size of your fingernail.


I can understand the dropping and throwing being pngs, but 3D when in the hand would be nice, similar to the popcorn bucket

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