Collection of all original GmTower posters for use in Tower Unite

I created this handy collection of all original GmTower posters (I extracted them from the addon files) so you can use them in your condo using those fancy new canvasses.

You can find the collection here:
Just choose one from the list and copy+paste the URL into the canvas stretch it to the right size with scale x and scale y and choose poster for shape. Hope you like it, feedback is appreciated. If you want the image with borders on the side so you don’t have to do x and y scaling change /files/ to /files2/


Very nice! I’ll have to put buy some more posters now. I did notice that your collection doesn’t contain 100% of the posters. Will you be adding the rest eventually?

Yeah, I also noticed that. It’s a bit late now though so I’ll do that tomorrow. I should point out that they might not fit correctly on the canvas because there is no native aspect ratio option as far as I know of.

As of right now, all the images are pretty much stretched because of how weird the current canvas system is. What you need to do is add a border around the left and right sides of the images so the images have an aspect ratio of 1:1. With the current canvas system, it stretches the image from the URL into a 1:1 aspect ratio and then crops the image to fit on the canvas, so once you do that, the posters should look like they’re supposed to.

Example of one of the fixed posters:

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If my posters convert to either units or canvases, I’m definitively using these images once the aspect ratio is sorted out.

Alright, thanks for the tip. I’m doing that now.

I updated the collection:

  • All posters are now included
  • Added borders so they won’t get strectched

Needs fixing:

  • Borders on the first poster are messed up

From the changelog:

Canvases now have support for poster and frame shapes

This means, once selected, the poster won’t look like a painting anymore but like an actual poster.

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Big Thanks for making this! :wink:


No problemo![quote=“Toycyborg, post:9, topic:7476”]

Same. :wink:


The only problem is that canvases are expensive compared to posters

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Yeah, the full collection is 128,000 units.

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time to get my bit trip runner poster back :sunglasses:

This is not needed anymore since we got the X and Y scaling in
I’ll be updating the images on the webpage.

I’ll just leave this here:

Link doesn’t work anymore :frowning:

Considering that their last post was almost 2 1/2 years ago, I dont think we’ll be getting those posters back

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I should still have the posters saved (as well as anyone with gmt reunion files installed i guess), ill try to reupload them all when i get home, assuming no one else does it first

