I adore ZM, and there’s a few tiny things that bug me as well as some things I wish were improved / changed for the benefit of players and the overall fun of the gameworld. So I’ll just list some off.
Doctor's Syphon Nerf
As it is, Doctor’s syphon is disgustingly powerful. Making Doctor a go to for solo players due to it being able to out heal damage from up to 3 zombies slapping you over and over. Due to this; and the ease that is gaining a 5-kill streak, makes any challenge a bit of a joke.
My suggestion would be to change the siphon to target only one zombie, but increase its range of effectiveness whilst also healing nearby players for the health siphoned.
Zombie Spawns
Right now it’s a bit hectic, and it’s possible at times for a vampire or a dog to spawn a meter from you while you’re sprinting and instantly slap you for 30 - 40 damage. Which if you don’t have a doctor is usually guaranteed death for that round.
My suggestion is a large one, each map similar to Acrophobia should have out of bound spawns. Zombies will spawn from them regardless of player distance, and line of sight spawns. This is similar to Killing Floor’s system for spawning in Zeds, to prevent unpreventable damage or cheated deaths. Essentially to prevent players from being chipped to death for running from a group of zombies, and something spawning in front of them and slapping them. This would however require some maps to be updated with OoB spawns.
Auto-Aim Generosity
Currently it is possible to aim at zombies on another level from you, a necessary addition due to Acrophobia’s verticality. However at times it’s still rather difficult to aim at zombies on another level from you.
My suggestion is making the auto-aim a little more generous via a priority system.
Zombie closest to cursor > Closest zombie within sightline > Zombie on another level within sightline
This comes to the added benefit of helping players who play via controller or the steam deck.
Line of Sight Lasers
Currently difficult to judge what your player is aiming at if you’re not vomitting a constant line of bullets.
With this, it’d allow players to see what they’re aiming at and could be incredibly helpful for the heat of the fight, in addition, this could also tie in to upgrades where you can ‘buy / earn’ different colours or gradients for your laser.
Electrician's Home-Made Turret Soft Revert
Currently it is in an okay spot, but I do sort of miss the range it used to have.
My suggestion is to revert the range of the turret, but give it a cone of range (130’) that aims where the player was aiming upon placement. This gives it a bit more strategic depth whilst also making it a fantastic area denial tool.
Points Pot
Currently the game is a bit too competitive, where players who have the most kills reap all the rewards for points, but other players are left with scraps.
My suggestion is players work and survive to accumulate points for that round, that is shared between all current players at the end of the round. The physical points dropped by zombies that can be picked up however, aren’t shared.
Melee Vs Bosses Nerf
Right now melee melts bosses, which can end an ‘intense boss fight’ in a matter of 10 seconds.
And it feels quite jarring.
Reduce melee weapon damage or give bosses natural melee damage resistance to prevent melting their health in seconds.