Yes, as the title says, I accidently break down the bathroom door at my intern during snack time due to an intern (who has epilipsy) knocking at the bathroom door earlier from I’m brushing my teeth.
What Happended Earlier?
I was at my intern, cutting booze stickers from the Dieu du Ciel! brand (a French-Canadian beer company if you will) until it’s snack time. After I finished my snack, I went to the bathroom at the ground floor, brushing my teeth. Until an epiliptic intern named Steve knocks at thr door. I tell Steve that “I’m busy, give me a minute”, but Steve keeps knocking at the door like four times, which angers me to break down the bathroom door, causing me to cost an arm and a leg.
Why Did You Get The Blame (From an Epiliptic Intern)?
Short answer: He’s annoying while talking to other workers.
Long answer: The reason I get the blame, not from the intern (who has epilipsy), is because I used to be a normal person at work (no talking to other workers, just working alone), but since from June 4th, I break down the bathroom door from the ground floor, thus I deserve to cost an arm and a leg for the damage I’ve caused. In order to say sorry, I had to draw a picture of sorry to Jean-François (the French-Canadian guy who built) for breaking down the door because he built the bathroom from the ground floor.