Workshop Imports Always Deformed

Every model I try to import via the workship editor is constantly broken and deformed, I have spent several hours trying to get this to work and I’m just getting tired now, I’ll get some sleep soon so hopefully someone can come up with any ideas of how to fix this.

I’m using Blender and exporting to .DAE, the model in Blender is completely flawless and I can pose the armature without issues, the problem only occurs when I try importing the model.

I have successfully imported the same model with no rig as an item, it’s specifically with player models.

I doubt the size is an error, the model has normal maps and is fully textured.

Every Model I tried ends up in the exact same general shape, quickly parenting a model to the rig and immediately exporting it shows no difference so I doubt I made a mistake somewhere down the line.

I threw together a basic model made of scaled joined cubes and it’s still satan, so my model probably isn’t the issue.

When I import the model into blender it works and poses fine but 4 additional bones with “twist” in their names appear for example calf_twist_01_1, they are definitely in the rig but don’t show up unless I export and import it, the root bone is also extended and pointing backwards.

I’ve read somewhere that Blenders .DAE export is bugged.
I don’t know if this would cause the models import to be utterly horrific, but its clear Blender isn’t exporting the rig exactly as is.

Theres a plugin called Better Collada, which makes my model fail to compile entirely so it’s out of the question. The root stays at the same spot as when I use the regular .DAE export but Better Collada fails to find the root while regular Collada never fails. At this point I can only assume the import bugs are caused by how both export methods alter the rig, regular unrigged models import flawlessly.

If Blender’s export is at fault and nobody knows how to fix it, I’d greatly appreciate a recommendation to export this damn thing already.

I read that a model needs to be all one singular mesh, I’ve done that and it’s made no change.

Overall I think the issue is either due to Blender’s .DAE export affecting the rig but there’s no way I can be sure unless a dev stats the rig needs to be 100% unaltered to work properly.

Thanks for reading, I hope you can help.

tl;dr help me stop making crab monsters.

Have you tried selecting your mesh in object mode and then Object -> Apply -> Rotation & Scale?


Blender… the “everything is broken because you didn’t click this one button” Model creator.

Seriously tho ty so much this was my first port so I have no idea what Im doing, still need to find out why my model’s proportions have been thoroughly obliterated tho.

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Well the crab monster has been cured but the model still looks nothing like in Blender, but I don’t know if thats an actual bug or another one of Blender’s “Click here to make your model function” type deal. :neutral_face:

As a sidenote do workshop player models support transparency? At least the type of transparency that blender uses.