Workshop furniture loading queue readout

I noticed it seems like the little loading bar at the bottom of the screen when loading condo workshop furniture got simplified to a less-opaque HUD element, not much wrong there, its less of a giant block at the bottom of your screen while you try to walk around.

Seems fine, but I notice it doesn’t display the loading queue anymore, such as “3/40 workshop items downloaded” and so when I join a condo I can’t decide whether staying is going to brick my system or not.

Knowing how many workshop furniture items was trying to load was important to help decide whether to let them load or not. Now it seems whether its 1 or 1000 you won’t know the difference based on the loading bar.

The counter needs to come back but prior to the counter disappearing it was kind of inconsistent, and didn’t appear to report the accurate numbers

I usually bail if a condo has >100+ workshop models, now I won’t even know for sure