Who wants to be on a Canvas in my Condo?

Godspeed good sir!

This is freakin awesome man :new_moon_with_face:

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I guess this is a start to a roof? I honestly donā€™t know at this point.


I am on there twice
I donā€™t know if you want to fix it but I kind of love it. If itā€™s selfish I can tell you which ones are doubled if you donā€™t see em. Personally I am glad my Lion son is on there mainly, and then my forum avatar is on there as an added bonus.

There are doubles because I was planning on video on canvases. How Shocking.
Since that thing never made much progress, the doubles are just spares from the project I had. And when they changed the nighttime sky, I lost motivation for it, because I didnā€™t want to re-film what progress I did make on it.
In case you havenā€™t seen it yet, it was gonna go something like this.
Of course, this part is still in my Condo. The spares are actually from a scrapped Piano scene I had planned.

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Well if you want to keep both up Iā€™d be cool with that. This whole thing looks really nice by the way.

Finish that roof up, it looks like itā€™ll be good.

You need more.

Hereā€™s my sea snail

Oh yay Iā€™m right next to caboose.

And Noodleneck shares a canvasā€™s corner with me!

Iā€™m dead in the middle. :smile_cat:

Better, can you replace it ?

My old post : Who wants to be on a Canvas in my Condo?


I plan to attempt to be added to this wall.

just wait until I find my imgur link of my profile picā€¦

oooh, I found it. http://i.imgur.com/4kIVWwG.png

I got the special opportunity to be right above Mac.

add me please

Jon, i subscribed to your Channel over 2 years ago. Add me!



I expanded the area a bit to have more room for pictures.

Also, let me know if you want me to update your existing picture on the wall!

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