Who is the Richest?

Hey everyone before you know the demise of gmod tower is upon us i just want to see how many people have alot of GMC so Leave your Answers down below! :grinning:

btw i only have 6,896 that IMac wasnt worth it :confounded:

Here ya go http://www.gmtower.org/index.php?p=stats&t=money

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Lol I wish I was still in the top 50, I am below 150 now. Havenā€™t been actively playing on Tower for years now. I occasionally ventured onto Tower and played some minigames, but didnā€™t play the shit out of it like an addiction.

Zombie Massacre is good for getting GMC quickly.

Man I donā€™t think I even touched the top 200. Played to much in the lobby and not enough in the minigames I guess. :new_moon_with_face:

Well I made all my GMCs through the casino, especially poker tables.

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I am the richest, and have been for the past, i dunno, year or so, and also have the most hours, I have over 13 million gmc. I have been a dedicated daily player for almost 2 years.


Are you hype for unite?


Iā€™ve got 3 GMC, Iā€™m clearly in the lead.


vix has always been the richest, sheā€™s the gamble queen

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Also I just thought of that youtube channel called The Richest when I read the thread title, hehe.

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Clearly. The best player.

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yus :slight_smile:

Damnā€¦ Ridgedog is on that list! And look whatā€™s under him. Ridge is 212 btw. [quote=ā€œIrZipher, post:2, topic:5678, full:trueā€]
Here ya go http://www.gmtower.org/index.php?p=stats&t=money

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Yep. He was a member of the Yogscast but he left them

oooh i forgot why he left.

All I know was that he wasnā€™t fired its just because they havenā€™t been playing together so there was no need for him to be with them

ooh ok

Iā€™m right behind Mac with the tiny sum of 2 billion.