Whiteboard/Drawing Feature

A friend and I were thinking it would be cool if a whiteboard/pen were added to condos. I’m not sure how difficult it would be to implement, considering the sync between players, but I think it would be a great feat in condo get-togethers :slight_smile:

Reminds me of VRChat pens. I could see that being useful with VR support. But on keyboard/mouse it would be a nightmare probably. Although if it’s never added officially, I could see later down the line someone doing some IO wizardry with canvases to do it or something.


Yeah, I can see how it would be tedious for some on keyboard/mouse. I still think a lot of users would enjoy it all the same. I think of the pens working in a similar way to the “Sparkler” item (just, yanno, without it fading away.)
Maybe having the pens as a physics item, or just within the weapon/item toolbar so they are personal to each user.

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If I would be able to use my drawing tablet with it properly, this would be incredible. Yes please.

It’d also be neat if when you leave and return to the condo, it leaves what drawings were on it intact. Imagine just having a cool community drawing board that acts as a kind of time capsule in a way.


I was thinking it could work like how the mouse pointer works on the condo hub screen. Perspective might mess things up, maybe an option for the camera to go in 3rd person and center on the board like the libretro consoles so you can draw from a more even perspective.


Posting on this thread instead of making a new topic on the same suggestion.

I think a whiteboard would be a great condo addition. Perhaps have whiteboards put behind the safety setting that canvases are, since people could draw anything. (so accepting that warning will unlock the whiteboards per condo) I’ve already seen some people use very wonky browser-versions on canvases, so having a real-time board anyone can walk up and use would be great.

Not only could people draw pictures and messages together, but you could play simple board games like tic-tac-toe without the use of IO.

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You could make separate drawing mode using your mouse cursor exclusively and without usage of a physics item then. Maybe that could be a good idea? Kind of like, for VR you can use physics crayons, pencils or stuff as suggested by others here before but when you switch to keyboard and mouse, you get something like Windows Microsoft Paint UI to draw on. Eventually, another idea for keyboard and mouse - Why not have physics item that tries to get itself as straight as possible to the center of drawing board and once you are in that mode, you can’t walk around unless you leave that mode so that it doesn’t break - The crayon/pencil would be following your mouse just where you point it and try to center itself horizontally at all times. Sorry for a bit of broken English explanation at times in my response, just not my native language.

Very true. I think that could work.

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