What is your all time favorite video game? (besides tu)

I used to say Saints Row 2 but these days I think Yakuza 0 actually overtakes that number 1 spot. Bully would be third on the list. It’s pretty hard to name just one because I could probably make a list of 100 that I all love for different reasons.

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, because of more fighters, more stages, more games, more fun.


I saw you commented on Ross’s Canyon video lmao.

I forget how that whole series works but I went from Nations Forever like 10 years ago (cause it was free), to the purchased version, to Stadium^2 cause I liked that aesthetic the most and seemed like the most direct continuation of Nations multiplayer.

Which game/version has the most active multiplayer these days?

And for the record, my favorite games are a switch between F-Zero GX, Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II, and TF2.

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Stadium still reigns supreme. It’s easy to pick up, has tons of fun technical skills to master, was (and still is) free in the old TM games, and is the cheapest TM2 environment (as well as the only one with a sort of legacy). It’s unlikely that anything will dethrone Stadium’s popularity. There’s usually some events available across all environments (such as the weekly ManiaExchange KO events), so the other environments aren’t dead yet.

As for the more popular version of Stadium, I think TM2 is more active than TMNF/TMUF.

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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild. It brought me back to those days when I would play games and just do random things to have fun. Other than a couple of annoying puzzles and enemy spawns, I can’t think of a dull moment spent playing, or time wasted. It all felt special

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I’m gonna say my favourite Nintendo DS title is Trauma Centre: Under the Knife 2. Is this cheating? I can’t think of one game over all.