What are YOU most HYPE for Tower Unite!?

I’m mostly hyped for the fact that I’ll be able to run this damned game.

Workshop support and amazing visuals add up to all of this.

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The fact that there is going to be a lot more customization involved with our avatars/characters whatever you want to call them. I think that it’s going to really improve the ability for us to be more unique :slight_smile:

No more lag and slow servers! I also cant wait for all the new furniture and condo customization tools (Condos are my favorite thing in Gmtower).

I just wanna stay a jawa… :confounded:

Single player and private servers. Finally, some peace and quiet if me and a few friends just want to mess about without crowds of players everywhere. It’ll be nice to prepare my condo offline before everyone sees it online, too. Can’t wait! :joy:

What is locked door?

I’ve got lots of people on my friends list, so they’ll all be able to enter even when it’s locked, and if I’m in a group, people can come in anyway.

Ah, true. I rarely bother with groups. It always ends up with someone signing up to play a game whilst I’m in the middle of something.

Yep, groups are just good for queuing up with friends in one gamemode.

So, today I found about the campaign.
Inscribed brick is at 75 dolla
Better go bother my mom for some work


There are very few things more painful than waiting in queue for hours at a time for a single game then after the game is launched getting booted for whatever reason the GMod disconnect message has.
I’m hoping that Unite will have this kind of thing fixed.

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Aside from what I guess is considered optimization, I’m hoping for new thrid person animations. Every single pose, movement, reload animation, and action is derived from what animations were ported from Half-Life 2. Seriously, the Lay animation is reused from a zombie laying on the ground in Half-Life 2, same goes for the Lounge animation. Fingers are spread in a jerked fashion, back is twisted, legs are uneven, and the head is angled. Reload animations are all the same, all shotguns use the same animations from the Half-Life 2 Shotgun, even if the shotgun is break-action instead of single-load, pump-action. I’m hoping that the thirdperson animations are improved in Unite, and that poses like lay and lounge are made to look more natural.

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But I liked to lay like a drunk zombie :(

Our animator will be making new animations from scratch.


Question, will we have access to console, or will it be disabled like on the new BR Demo? :neutral_face:

I hope we WILL have access to the console. How is a game complete when it doesn’t have a developer console?

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Having a not-Source engine run it. c:

Less lag is a big thing for me. It’s hard to get friends into Gmod Tower because of lag issues. Even if I do get friends playing Gmod Tower, they usually never want to hang out in the lobbies or condos because of how laggy it is, meaning we are limited to the gamemodes only, which take a long time…

Also, no more awkwardly teleporting backpacks/jetpacks. :grinning:

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Meh, I am pretty sure it’s better for all of us.

The UE4 Engine…

I’m personally looking forward to the smooth performance on an engine that isn’t a 15 year old bottle neck. (there is a reason Valve is making Source 2)

That alone will multiply the Tower experience by about 10 for me. The idea of having even more gamemodes and shit to do while not in the gameworlds is also a very pleasant thought.

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