Weekly Dev Log for November 4th, 2019

Weekly Dev Log for November 4th, 2019

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Weekly Dev Log for November 4th, 2019, detailing all the changes that have happened since October 28th, 2019. Note: Devs that don’t appear in the weekly log are not necessarily away or not doing work, but may be working on things currently not announced or backend work that doesn’t need to be detailed.

Halloween 2019 Events Update

The Halloween 2019 Event is running until November 16th (PDT)!

@ThisIsntNath made a quick video showing off everything new in the update.

Everything New in the Halloween 2019 Update!

@macdguy and @Madmijk have been working on fixing some spooky bugs.

@macdguy created a Lobby Quest system to power the Lost Puppy quest (and upcoming events).

@macdguy and @Lifeless optimised doors, NPCs, event characters and remains/treasure events.

Arcade Progress

@joshua made some Arcade plushies.

Arcade Plushes

image image

@Madmijk worked on some Planetary Piano melodies.

@wheezwer worked on an untitled arcade machine.

Other Stuff

@Gloves worked on wing fixes and made a new “thinking” emote.

Chris made a boat for the Ocean Expansion.


Wrap It Up

That about covers everything that happened since October 28th, 2019 at PixelTail Games. See you all next week!


That boat is amazing!!!


hoping there will be more plushies to get in arcade~

cough panda plushie cough :smile_cat:


(There are :wink: )

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I hope there’s throwable versions of each plush, or one that throws random ones


Legend :raised_hands:

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would be hilarious and cute, tho i do want to throw and place it into my condo as a furniture

The sponsoring on this boat really wants you to go and play the game worlds, So much so that I’m still playing the game worlds.


I was thinking have the housing item versions of each plush and then have one throwable item that throws random plushes kind of like the fruit launcher

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ah, yeah i see now, i know its like the physics workshop furniture but never used it unfrotunately, another cool idea ngl :heart_eyes_cat:

A platypus? Please tell me there’s a kangaroo plushie.

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