Weekly Dev Log for June 14th, 2019
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Weekly Dev Log for June 14th, 2019, detailing all the changes that have happened since June 7th, 2019. Note: Devs that don’t appear in the weekly log are not necessarily away or not doing work, but may be working on things currently not announced or backend work that doesn’t need to be detailed.
Arcade Progress
Now that fishing is in a stable state, our main focus has moved to Arcade. Earlier today, we created a post detailing all the machines we plan on having in the arcade, which you can find here.
This week, a new button component system for all the buttons in the arcade was completed. @macdguy completed all of the base code for the arcade machine gameplay, and has been working with @Gloves to complete the animation system. In addition, the unit cost and ticket base code, along with the multiplayer handler for Galaxy Police was finished. @macdguy also completed the physics system for the arcade games, and completed pretty much of all of the gameplay code for Dizzy and Super Hoopers.
@Johanna and @Wheezwer continued working on the arcade machine models and artwork. @Wheezwer finished the artwork for the claw game “Pluck-a-pal”, and started working on the artwork for the ball attack game, “Avalanche”. @Johanna completed the model for the ball toss game, “Bird Feeder”, along with the “Piano” arcade game. @Johanna also started working on a yet to be named ball toss game, and added a second floor to the arcade, which will contain more games.
Super Hoopers Gameplay WIP
Dizzy Gameplay WIP
Arcade Second Floor & Staircase WIP
Pluck-a-pal Model and Artwork WIP
Avalanche Model and Artwork WIP
Bird Feeder Model WIP
“Piano” Model WIP
Unnamed Ball Toss Model WIP
Plaza Art
@Sketch worked on a fishing advertisement for Fishing.
Fishing Advertisement WIP
Code Optimizations
@Sketch continued looking into the memory leaks.
Wrap It Up
That about covers everything that happened since June 7th, 2019 at PixelTail Games. See you all next week!