Weekly Dev Log for January 28th, 2025

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s Tower Unite Dev Log!

Birb Plush Campaign EXTENDED!

Birb’s got it all: the power to stun dragons, an all-you-can-eat arcade game, a statue, the adoration of the people, and, now, a plushie! Bring home Birb and feel great safety if a dragon ever decides to try and start something. Birb has it handled. You just provide the birdseed. (And hugs.)

The campaign will be up for a limited time (6 more days), so check out the store page to see how it all works and get one for yourself! These limited time plushies go directly towards supporting our developers and the development of Tower Unite!

We hope you enjoy the Birb plushie! Any support you give us means so much, and we hope to keep bringing you more fun in the future!

Get yours at https://www.makeship.com/products/birb-plushie

Winter 2024-25 Condo Contest WINNERS

The vote has ended and the results are in! There were 51 responses this time! :slight_smile:

Here’s how the 6 contestants placed in the contest:

1st Place - (2,000,000 Units) - @fruzstrated
2nd Place - (1,000,000 Units) - @Cayla
3rd Place - (750,000 Units) - @the_wizard1
4th Place - (500,000 Units) - @anna
5th Place - (300,000 Units) - @OuTSMoKE
6th Place - (200,000 Units) - @Mrs.Insomniac

Thanks so much to everyone for participating in the contest and the vote!

Keep an eye out for the next contest soon as well!

Shooting Gallery Update (

Last week, we released Update which brought with it the Shooting Gallery, new Player Models, new D.I.Y interior, and more.

You can read all about that update here.

In addition, we released a few hotfixes for this update, the changelogs for which can be found below:

Hot Fix

Upcoming New Items

@Nuclearxpotato continued working on a bunch of new items, including even more food and road signs!

Upcoming New Items: Food (Pastries and Catppuccino)
Doughnuts, Jelly Doughnuts, and Eclairs have multiple topping options with recolourable frosting. Holdable versions will also be available in the future.

Upcoming New Items: Road Signs
These will be divided into multiple items, including Blank versions of the shapes and Text signs for the Route and Speed Limit.

Arcade: Milestones

@macdguy worked on the Pluck-a-pal crane milestone.

@Nuclearxpotato worked on the Ticket spewer.

Arcade: Pluck-a-pal crane milestone

Arcade: Ticket Spewer


@Johanna continued working on the Plaza, getting it ready for 1.0.

@Joshua worked on reworking some wearables, giving them art passes and optimizations.

@Lifeless worked on tutorials and main menu polish.

@macdguy worked on getting the Shooting Gallery update released, set up achievements for Escape, finished the Accelerate coin system, and worked on the pet AI.

@Sketchman continued working on optimizations and bug fixes.

@wheezwer worked on main menu polish, payout history artwork, and the makeship campaign.

That’s a Wrap!

Thank you for reading and we’ll see you all next week for more!

Note: Devs that don’t appear in the weekly log are not necessarily away or not doing work, but may be working on things currently not announced or backend work that doesn’t need to be detailed.

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Tower Unite - Supporter Pack

Take a peek at what’s being worked on every week in our weekly dev logs! There’s bound to be something interesting every week!

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For bug reports: https://forums.pixeltailgames.com/c/bug-report/18
For suggestions: https://forums.pixeltailgames.com/c/suggestions/7

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<3 PixelTail Games


The ticket spewer looks great, but… do I see the red one is holding something else :eyes:


those traffic signs better have that high reflective material that they usually have :slight_smile:


Absolutely love the grapple on the Pluck-a-pal crane, new mobility options like this are so fun. The Witch Broom has been such a kick just hovering around the plaza.


ROAD SIGNS! Oh my god yes! :smiley:


YOOOOO EVEN MORE FOOD ITEMS we’re eating good with this new stuff lol

i’m extremely happy about new road signs; they’re extremely useful!! now we don’t need to rely on using custom texture urls for these anymore ^o^


Good to see a mixture of road signs too (noticed UK variants).


The Shooting Gallery and Corn of the Dead were both great games! Thank you devs for adding them.

Also, those birb plushies look so cute, and I want to buy one!