Weekly Dev Log for August 23rd, 2023

Weekly Dev Log for August 23rd, 2023

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Weekly Dev Log for August 23rd, 2023, detailing all the changes that have happened since August 8th, 2023. Note: Devs that don’t appear in the weekly log are not necessarily away or not doing work, but may be working on things currently not announced or backend work that doesn’t need to be detailed.

August 2023 Condo Contest

Hey everyone,

For August’s contest just submit a Condo build that you want to show off!

This time there is no theme and no restriction on when the build was made!

The submission period ends on August 23rd, 2023 at 11:59 PM.

Be sure to look at the prizes and follow the rules in the thread, which you can find here.

SDNL: New Game World

We’re wrapping production up on Slaughterday Night Live (SDNL), our new PVP Game World. SDNL features over 31 weapons, and classic Arena gamemodes such as Team Deathmatch, Capture-The-Flag, Team Oddball, Dino Battle, Slasher (a melee only gametype), Insta-gib, Low Grav Snipers, and the standard Arena gameplay with weapon pickups. SDNL beta will launch with 3 unique maps of various sizes and themes. Meadows, Frostbite, and Hinderance are the launch maps. We’re very excited to soon show you what we’ve been hard at work on.

@Johanna continued working on the maps, props, and FPS optimizations with the maps.

@Josh continued working on weapons.

@Lifeless continued working on “Containership”.

@macdguy worked on fixing bugs that were found during internal playtesting. He worked on icons for kills and weapons, as well as implementing adjustment ideas from playtesting, setting up stats and achievements, and the Workshop editor.

@Nuclearxpotato continued working on “Skyline”, a roof-top acrobatic map, as well as various props for SDNL.

@Sketchman worked on making weapon switching predicted (meaning network ping should have no effect on how quickly you can swap weapons), as well as weapon prediction for some other weapons.

@Will continued working on music for the SDNL maps.

SDNL: Frostbite (Launch Map)

SDNL: Meadows (Launch Map)

SDNL: Containership WIP (Post-Release Map)

SDNL: Skyline EARLY WIP (Post-Release Map)

SDNL: Network predicted weapon switching

SDNL: New Bug Blaster Weapon

SDNL: Weapon Icons


@Madmijk continued working on MIDI support, getting it closer to release.

@Nuclearxpotato worked on adding more condo items.

@Sketchman worked on some backend fixes and fixed an issue with an arcade achievement.

Wrap It Up

That about covers everything that happened since August 8th, 2023 at PixelTail Games.

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<3 PixelTail Games


skyline looks like from GMT map, nice

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So, so excited for this to release! Everything looks great. Glad GMT’s mirrors edge map is getting a successor.

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