Waterslide mover - Prefab Shapes?

Its really difficult to get an actual waterslide looking slide, I feel like if we had a few prefabs that pre-add the spline into it for us it would be a lot more practical, I did attempt using elbow canvas here but getting a spline to line up inside wont be very possible.

Something Like this is what we need, (Press a button that says Add Shape - Adds it to the end of the last spline point)

Are you working on a waterpark map in the future? I’m in :sweat_drops: :sun_with_face:

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Sorry for the late bump to this. I plan to make a spline mesh for the Ball Race SDK which will have a few different shapes. I’ll look into adding these shapes to the slide as well.

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would it also be possible to get splines for the tube props? (the ones that are half glass and sized for the RC orb).
asking this because i want to make a silly hamster tube around my condo and the current tube shapes are a bit limiting.