Voice Chat IO volume and permission

A desire a Voice Chat volume and permission for the following purposes:-

The purpose of a Voice Chat volume would be to isolate specific areas of a condo where voice chat may or may not be permitted.

A good example would be to isolate an area or room in which a media player is present with a Voice Chat volume where voice would be muted because just like in a real life theatre or cinema, talking over the movie is frowned upon.

This would compliment a global condo permission where voice chat would be blanket disabled except for in specific rooms or areas.

Finally, in public condos, there are some individuals who pose a genuine nuisance with respect to voice chat. Due to it being proximity based, on the basis of “if it wasn’t heard, then it was never said”, and with that I am referring to topics and discussions that violate The Rules.

I never publicly host unless I first run a screen recorder because there are far more people than you think who believe that it’s acceptable to hop from public condo to public condo and feel entitled to be abusive or invasive. So a slider to blanket disable voice chat except for in specific places would help to control this.