Vinesauce Vinny Might Play TU Soon

In a Super Mario Party stream Vinny did yesterday (October 10th), he showed everyone the Meat playermodel that’s on the workshop right now and said he might stream TU soon. Here’s the clip:


im a gamer hes a gamer
you know what’s good


Personally I’d want people streaming it when there is a decent amount of stuff to do than right now, the better the game thousands of people see the better.

But it’s whatever I suppose, as long as he has fun.

Edit: Oh didn’t know he had already played Tower Unite before, nice to see him return.

I just hope its not a shit show like GeePM’s stream of it was, a lot of people swarmed him and it generally was not good, so if he does come on, i would like to see people not make him leave within the first 30 minutes.
But, i cant reach everyone, so i can only hope that he knows how to block canvases + mute chat. If not, please, PLEASE, for the love of god, don’t swarm him, that means if you see him, don’t follow him or stare at him a lot. also don’t ask for him to join your condo/gameworld, because its gonna be a hard no. also, keep things that would be harmful to the stream (profane language, profane images, harassment, trolling, political opinions, racism, sexism, and the like) to a minimum. He’ll leave pretty quickly if he sees even a bit of the above, so i’m gonna say be on the best of all ya’ll’s behavior if you can.



you: do do do do do DOO DOODOO DOO DOOOOO DOOOO
me: ablamos fin xD

get it? good. now piss off!

i dont get it

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Favorite Streamer :ballot_box_with_check:
Favorite game :ballot_box_with_check:

What more could you ask for

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didn’t know vinny streamed tu once aswell, would love to see his thoughts on the game, especially the latest update.


im actually

really confused
is this something that i am missing
i am really confused and lost
my brain can’t seem to understand what is going on

I think GeePM was the one who streamed it and Vinny joined later on.

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Regardless of wether or not he’ll stream, Vinny can’t possibly beat the Dynamic that is


I emailed him roughly a week ago suggesting he play the game, this might be a result of that.
In this case though, holy shit yes.

I really hope he doesn’t get bumrushed by obnoxious players like what happened with GPM. Asking people to be polite and respectful seems to be about as effective as talking to a brick wall sometimes, but we can hope for the best.



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im also still confused
is it like a vinesauce joke or something
they never responded now i am uneased and sad