Do you guys have a video game that are still in development hell?
I wanted to choose darkGhost’s web browsing game project called “Furry Online” as my personal online game in development hell, but I can’t show to you because the moderators at PixelTail Games has already locked a topic to pervent mature content. So I have to put a spoiler here because I can’t say more about this game.
What made you so interested in this specific game?
Because I was surfing on a gaming article about the overdelayed annoucement for Silksong as an example.
Do you have one in particular?
Sorry if something got lost in translation, I was asking about furry online specifically. For me I’d choose The Long Drive.
World of Furries has been crowd-funded on Kickstarter, as a web browsing game. I preferred Furry Online more as a 3D MMO social game on Steam. But I give an emoji as a warning