Upgrade suggestions megathread!

Gameworld: Zombie Massacre
Item: (cant think of a good name, say one if you think of one)
Description: instead of the helicopter, a dragon from LC flies down and lands and flies away again once everyone is on.
In-game Desc: (yeah still cant think of a good one)

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Gameworld: Zombie Massacre
Item: (cant think of a good name, say one if you think of one)
Description: Shooting guns will play stupid fart noises, honk sound effects and other stupid sound effects.
In-game Desc: Wow, seriously, thats just immature.

Gameworld: Zombie Massacre
Description: Mele weapons will have a slight glowing electric aura on it and will make a zap noise when you hit.
In-game Desc: Mele weapons become, NOT a electric fly swatter, but they become close enough.

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Gameworld: Zombie Massacre
Item: â™Ș But first let me take a selfie â™Ș
Description: When you use the journalists camera your player model will turn backwards quickly and pull out a mobile phone and take a selfie with the enemies, then will turn back forwards quickly again and carry on normally.
In-game Desc: insert yet another “inspirational” selfie quote here

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Gameworld: ballrace

Item: disco ball (ball shape)

Description: a disco ball with flashing lights and effects! (and sparkles)

In game description: catch a fever!

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These will be like different player models you can have when you die.

Gameworld: Zombie Massacre
Item: (cant think of a good name, say one if you think of one)
Description: When you turn into a vampire after dying, instead you turn into a skeleton
In-game Desc: (something to do with zombies actually eating flesh and not turning you into a vampire)

Gameworld: Zombie Massacre
Item: The flaming knight of the night.
Description: When you turn into a vampire after dying, instead you turn into a knight from LC that is on fire constantly sprinting and holding a sword swinging it around randomly.
In-game Desc: (something to reference the knight being in the wrong game mode)

Gameworld: Zombie Massacre
Item: (cant think of a good name, say one if you think of one)
Description: When you turn into a vampire after dying, instead you turn into an infected from Virus.
In-game Desc: (something to reference the infected being in the wrong game mode)

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Gameworld: Ballrace
Item: The Pirate Ship Steering Wheel (Ball Interior)
Description: Move left or right and you steering the pirate ship steering wheel (standing up, hands on the wheel)
In-Game Desc: ARRRGH there me mateys, set sail for adventure

Gameworld: Ballrace
Item: Hotdogs (Melon food)
Description: Hotdogs replace by the melons in ballrace
In-Game Desc: An nice hotdog just for you (sponsored by Frank’s Hotdogs)

Gameworld: Little Crushers
Item: do not press (Dragon:Button)
Description: An skin on the button that said “do not press” on it
In-Game Desc: try having this so if they read it, they won’t do it (This item does not work 100%)


Here’s some more ideas.

Gameworld: Virus

Item: Clown Outfit (Infected Skin)

Description: Gives your infected a clown suit (like this one, mostly green colored to not be super confusing). Rainbow afro and red nose maybe included, but those might be better as accesories outside of Virus.

In-game: This infected is down to clown, and that is not okay.

Gameworld: Virus

Item: Chili Pepper (TNT Skin)

Description: A burning chili pepper that blows up and leaves a splat of chili sauce when an infected walks on it.

In-game: So spicy it’s explosive!

Gameworld: Zombie Massacre

Item: Hat Trick (Focus Shot Skin)

Description: Instead of shooting the infected with the focus shot, you kick soccer balls at them.

In-game: Score!

Gameworld: Virus

Item: Legos (TNT Skin)

Description: You throw a handful of fake legos on the ground that kills infected when they walk on it.

In-game: Even worse than sleeping on a bed of nails.

Gameworld: Virus

Item: Rusted (All Weapons)

Description: Makes your weapons look old and rusty.

In-game: It’s old, but it still works.

Gameworld: virus

Item: gnome (infected skin)

Description: a gnome.

In game description: Its Gnot a Gnelf


Oops wrong thread, posting this here too


Gameworld: Virus
Item: PPSh-41 (Tommy Gun)
Description: replace the Tommy Gun with an PPSh-4.
In-Game Desc: An powerful weapon that was use in the great cats and dogs war the 2nd.

Gameworld: Virus
Item: Short Barrel (Double Barrel)
Description: An Double Barrel with an shorter Barrel.
In-Game Desc: Its small but it still powerful the original.


Gameworld: Little Crusaders

Item: Fire (Run Smoke)

Description: Replaces run smoke with fire particles.

In-Game Description: (cant think of a good one)

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Gameworld: Little Crusaders

Item: Spooky Roar (Dragon Roar)

Description: Shoots out a bunch of the particles used in the Spooky Gun when the dragon roars.

In-Game Description: (cant think of a good one)


Gameworld: Little Crusaders

Item: Otamatone Roar (Dragon Roar)

Description: Replaces dragons roar sound with that of a note being played on an Otamatone instrument.

In-Game Description: (cant think of a good one)


Gameworld: Little Crusaders

Item: Car Horn [Dragon Roar]

Description: A car horn roar to go along with

In-game description:

  • Perfect for knights and pedestrians
  • Works for knights and traffic jams

Dunno, cant think of a good description for this one. Think it would be a good thing to have with the car key thing tho


Gameworld: Little Crusaders

Item: “Fruity Shooty,” “Close Call,” “Apple of Your Eye” [Knight Helmet]

Description: Apple placed on the top of the basic knight helmet with an arrow shot through it, similar to this.

In-game description: thanks, Blookirby

Gameworld: Little Crusaders

Item: Egg [Knight Helmet]

Description: a egg instead of a helmet

In-game description: Don’t Crack it!

Gameworld: Little Crusaders

Item: Rainbow [Run Smoke]

Description: Either a trail of rainbows for the run smoke, or multicolored smoke for the rainbow effect.

In-game description: Cant think of a good one

Gameworld: Little Crusaders

Item: Easy Button [Dragon Button]

Description: That was easy button replacement for the normal button, maybe paired with a “That was easy” voice line?

In-game description: That was easy.

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they are gonna make a shorter barrel shotgun, a sawed off

Maybe “An apple a day keeps the dragon away”?

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Oh thats a good one, thanks!

Gameworld: Ball Race

Item: Potato (Melon Skin)

Description: Replaces melons with potatoes

In-game description: Just in case getting a potato every time on Spin to Win wasn’t enough.