



This card has no description.


  • Condos: House - Added IO functionality to windows and glass doors
  • Ball Race SDK: Added more Game World Event IO outputs for Ball Race - BR OnAllFinished, BR OnAllDied, BR OnBonusPassed, BR OnBonusFailed
  • ZM: The game now pauses while in singleplayer when you open the pause menu

Bug Fixes

  • Accelerate: Pine Valley - Fixed spots where you could leave the track but not be reset
  • Ball Race: Woodlands - Fixed hole in geometry on Level 10
  • Condos: Courtyard - Various lighting optimisations
  • Condos: Smooth Autumn - Fixed spelling mistake in description
  • Little Crusaders: Knightsend-by-sea - Fixed some visual issues and prevented dragons getting to places they shouldnt
  • Little Crusaders: Throne Room - Fixed various issues including incorrect collisions and lighting issues
  • Little Crusaders: Toyroom/Cardboard Castle - Fixed weird collision on building block pieces
  • Little Crusaders: Toyroom - Adjusted push volumes on triangle camp spot
  • Little Crusaders: Market - Fixed various holes, visual issues and collision/camping issues
  • Minigolf: Cove - Fixed issue where you could get knocked out of bounds constantly on Hole 6
  • Minigolf: Forest - Fixed an issue where you could get stuck on Hole 6
  • Minigolf: Garden - Fixed OOB issue on Hole 5
  • SDNL: Frostbite - Fixed various issues including incorrect collisions, missing materials, stretched materials and holes in the world
  • Virus: Catzek - Fixed potential camping spot and broken spawn that resulted you falling through world
  • Virus: Corrosion - Fixed spots where the virus could be trapped
  • Zombie Massacre: Trainyard/Nightyard - Smoothed out getting on top of wooden boards
  • Condos: House - Fixed weird split of wall between hallway and living room
  • Condos: House - Fixed gap in driveway
  • Condos: House - Fixed hole in siding
  • Condos: House - Fixed basement ceiling material stretch
  • Condos: House - Adjusted size of some doors so there isnt a massive gap at the bottom of them
  • Condos: House - Fixed gap below stone wall
  • Condos: House - Fixed small hole in grass next to basement door
  • Condos: House - Fixed gap in fence around gate
  • Condos: House - Fixed incorrect gutters
  • Condos: House - Fixed a fence having a missing collision
  • Condos: House - Fixed issue where you could see stuff in the bathroom mirror youre not supposed to
  • Condos: House - Fixed misaligned windows
  • Condos: House - Fixed small gap in wall in the hallway
  • Condos: Resort - Fixed lighting issue on large aquarium in Lobby
  • Condos: Resort - Fixed surface on the right hand side stores overlapping/not saving
  • Condos: Resort - Fixed Bar Aquarium window not having proper collision
  • Condos: Resort - Fixed several misaligned suite doors
  • Condos: Resort - Smoothed out stairs in store area
  • Condos: Resort - Fixed glass next to volleyball court/pool not having double sided collision
  • Condos: Resort - Adjusted suite/lobby aquariums to prevent fish getting out of them
  • Condos: Resort - Fixed various collision issues near the pool
  • Condos: Resort - Smoothed out stairs near Subway station
  • SDK: Fixed static items not importing or loading in SDK editor
  • Fixed lighting issues in Condo Hub
  • Ball Race SDK: Fixed boost volumes with non box shape not working for clients on custom maps
  • Ball Race SDK: Fixed trampoline stars not being visible for clients
  • Ball Race SDK: Fixed custom maps showing 1/1 or 0/0 level count for clients
  • Fixed Container item not networking for clients
  • ZM: Fixed spider intro showing blob spider when blob spider setting is not enabled
  • ZM: Fixed not killing boss on boss round just ending the game abruptly, now it shows that you have failed and lets you retry the boss battle
  • Fixed sound emitters still triggering OnSoundEnded after being manually stopped
  • Arcade: Fixed Dragon’s Treasure not spawning gems/treasure
  • Plaza: Fixed loading into Trivia not loading the interior properly if selecting from map
  • Fixed pistol animation hand issues
  • ZM: Fixed helicopter not landing in boss arenas properly
  • Fixed player models T-Posing in Sleigh, RC Golf Cart, RC Raft, and RC Speedboat
  • ZM SDK: Fixed helicopter landing day setting not saving properly
  • ZM: Fixed dev helicopter H symbol showing when it shouldn’t be
  • ZM SDK: Fixed zombie spawn IO not being able to spawn Pumpkin Heads or Raptors
  • Ball Race SDK: Fixed invisible bumpers being visible to clients
  • ZM SDK: Fixed sub-objectives blocking inventory traces because of its large radius, now has a selectable module base
  • ZM SDK: Fixed sub-objectives visual radius not drawing properly when larger than 512
  • ZM SDK: Fixed intermission being 2 minutes if the timer was paused by IO
  • ZM SDK: Fixed ZM OnSurvived and OnFailed IO events being reversed
  • Ball Race: Fixed custom map titles not showing up on leaderboard
  • Fixed specular light issues with mirrors and placeable lights
  • Fixed 3D text glow not working (added a new glow material type) and added new materials to it
  • Ball Race SDK: Fixed spikes not working with test orb
  • Ball Race SDK: Fixed trampolines not working for clients
  • ZM: Fixed turret milestone soft-locking if you enter it
  • ZM: Players now lock on to explosive barrels when they are aiming towards them, fixing not being able to shoot at explosive barrels
  • Ball Race: Fixed timer not displaying times larger than 99 seconds on the clock
  • ZM: Fixed colliding with destructibles
  • Virus: Fixed colliding with destructibles
  • SDNL: Fixed colliding with destructibles
  • ZM: Fixed sub-objectives failing when they haven’t started
  • ZM: Fixed sub-objectives timer not being set when adjusting the timer amount
  • ZM: Fixed zombies not being able to deal damage while in water
  • Ball Race: Optimized boosters
  • Ball Race: Optimized HUD
  • Condo/SDK: Optimized movers
  • Ball Race: Fixed melons not attaching to movers in custom levels
  • Condos: Resort - Fixed lobby wall pillars having missing faces
  • Condos: Resort - Fixed missing face on upper balconies in store area
  • Condos: Resort - Made some surfaces editable that previously werent
  • Condos: Resort - Smoothed out Cabin stairs collision
  • Condos: Resort - Smoothed out Pool stairs collision
  • Ball Race SDK: Fixed boost volume having different power in testing mode compared to actual Ball Race
  • Ball Race: Fixed spikes not popping clients on custom levels
  • Ball Race: Fixed attractor/repulsor not working for clients when range is resized

Before Ship

  • Write changelog
  • A new checklist named “Before Ship” has been added to the card.
  • A new checklist named “Bug Fixes” has been added to the card.
  • A new checklist named “Changes” has been added to the card.
  • “Zombie Massacre: Trainyard/Nightyard - Smoothed out getting on top of wooden boards” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Virus: Corrosion - Fixed spots where the virus could be trapped” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Virus: Catzek - Fixed potential camping spot and broken spawn that resulted you falling through world” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “SDNL: Frostbite - Fixed various issues including incorrect collisions, missing materials, stretched materials and holes in the world” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf: Garden - Fixed OOB issue on Hole 5” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf: Forest - Fixed an issue where you could get stuck on Hole 6” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf: Cove - Fixed issue where you could get knocked out of bounds constantly on Hole 6” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Little Crusaders: Market - Fixed various holes, visual issues and collision/camping issues” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Little Crusaders: Toyroom - Adjusted push volumes on triangle camp spot” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Little Crusaders: Toyroom/Cardboard Castle - Fixed weird collision on building block pieces” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Little Crusaders: Throne Room - Fixed various issues including incorrect collisions and lighting issues” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Little Crusaders: Knightsend-by-sea - Fixed some visual issues and prevented dragons getting to places they shouldnt” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: Smooth Autumn - Fixed spelling mistake in description” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: Courtyard - Various lighting optimisations” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Ball Race: Woodlands - Fixed hole in geometry on Level 10” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Accelerate: Pine Valley - Fixed spots where you could leave the track but not be reset” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: House - Added IO functionality to windows and glass doors” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “Condos: House - Adjusted size of some doors so there isnt a massive gap at the bottom of them” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: House - Fixed basement ceiling material stretch” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: House - Fixed hole in siding” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: House - Fixed gap in driveway” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: House - Fixed weird split of wall between hallway and living room” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos House - Fixed incorrect gutters” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: House - Fixed gap in fence around gate” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: House - Fixed small hole in grass next to basement door” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: House - Fixed gap below stone wall” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: House - Fixed small gap in wall in the hallway” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: House - Fixed misaligned windows” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: House - Fixed issue where you could see stuff in the bathroom mirror youre not supposed to” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: House - Fixed a fence having a missing collision” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: Resort - Smoothed out stairs near Subway station” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: Resort - Fixed various collision issues near the pool” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: Resort - Adjusted suite/lobby aquariums to prevent fish getting out of them” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: Resort - Fixed glass next to volleyball court/pool not having double sided collision” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: Resort - Smoothed out stairs in store area” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: Resort - Fixed several misaligned suite doors” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: Resort - Fixed Bar Aquarium window not having proper collision” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: Resort - Fixed surface on the right hand side stores overlapping/not saving” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: Resort - Fixed lighting issue on large aquarium in Lobby” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “ZM: Fixed spider intro showing blob spider when blob spider setting is not enabled” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Fixed Container item not networking for clients” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Ball Race SDK: Fixed custom maps showing 1/1 or 0/0 level count for clients” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Ball Race SDK: Fixed trampoline stars not being visible for clients” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Ball Race SDK: Fixed boost volumes with non box shape not working for clients on custom maps” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Fixed lighting issues in Condo Hub” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “SDK: Fixed static items not importing or loading in SDK editor” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “ZM: Fixed turret milestone soft-locking if you enter it” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Ball Race SDK: Fixed trampolines not working for clients” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Ball Race SDK: Fixed spikes not working with test orb” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Fixed 3D text glow not working (added a new glow material type) and added new materials to it” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Fixed specular light issues with mirrors and placeable lights” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Ball Race: Fixed custom map titles not showing up on leaderboard” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “ZM SDK: Fixed ZM OnSurvived and OnFailed IO events being reversed” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “ZM SDK: Fixed intermission being 2 minutes if the timer was paused by IO” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “ZM SDK: Fixed sub-objectives visual radius not drawing properly when larger than 512” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “ZM SDK: Fixed sub-objectives blocking inventory traces because of its large radius, now has a selectable module base” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Ball Race SDK: Fixed invisible bumpers being visible to clients” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “ZM SDK: Fixed zombie spawn IO not being able to spawn Pumpkin Heads or Raptors” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “ZM: Fixed dev helicopter H symbol showing when it shouldn’t be” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “ZM SDK: Fixed helicopter landing day setting not saving properly” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Fixed player models T-Posing in Sleigh, RC Golf Cart, RC Raft, and RC Speedboat” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “ZM: Fixed helicopter not landing in boss arenas properly” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Fixed pistol animation hand issues” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Plaza: Fixed loading into Trivia not loading the interior properly if selecting from map” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “ZM: Players now lock on to explosive barrels when they are aiming towards them, fixing not being able to shoot at explosive barrels” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “SDNL: Fixed colliding with destructibles” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Virus: Fixed colliding with destructibles” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “ZM: Fixed colliding with destructibles” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Ball Race: Fixed timer not displaying times larger than 99 seconds on the clock” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “ZM: Fixed zombies not being able to deal damage while in water” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “ZM: Fixed sub-objectives timer not being set when adjusting the timer amount” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Ball Race: Optimized HUD” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Ball Race: Optimized boosters” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condo/SDK: Optimized movers” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “ZM: The game now pauses while in singleplayer when you open the pause menu” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “Ball Race SDK: Added more Game World Event IO outputs for Ball Race - BR OnAllFinished, BR OnAllDied, BR OnBonusPassed, BR OnBonusFailed” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “Condos: Resort - Smoothed out Pool stairs collision” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: Resort - Smoothed out Cabin stairs collision” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: Resort - Made some surfaces editable that previously werent” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: Resort - Fixed missing face on upper balconies in store area” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condos: Resort - Fixed lobby wall pillars having missing faces” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Ball Race SDK: Fixed boost volume having different power in testing mode compared to actual Ball Race. NOTE TO MAP MAKERS: The boost volume was being doubled in Ball Race. You will need to update your map’s boost volumes and double their boost value to get them to work the same as they did before this update” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Ball Race: Fixed spikes not popping clients on custom levels” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Ball Race: Fixed attractor/repulsor not working for clients when range is resized” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Write changelog” has been checked off on the “Before Ship” checklist.