



This card has no description.


  • Minigolf SDK: Upped Friction Volume limit to 100 (was 5)
  • ~~https://trello.com/c/6QWLqq8c/733-new-workshop-player-model-rig~~
  • ~~https://trello.com/c/5sCHucIK/758-ball-race-map-maker~~
  • ~~https://trello.com/c/Ihpx4F2Z/761-zombie-massacre-map-maker~~
  • Added Mirror to Sweet Suites Furnishings store. The mirror item reflects the world and players, and uses the mirror settings in graphics settings. You can also toggle the mirror on/off by using it
  • Added Physical Media Shelf to Sweet Suites Furnishings store. This new item will let you organize and store Physical Media and Libretro cartridges on a shelf
  • Added Rental Shelf to Central Circuit store
  • Added 3D Text to D.I.Y store. 3D text is an item, similar to Floating Text, that lets you type text and it’ll generate 3D text
  • Added Explosive Barrel to Rob’s Imports store. An exploding/destructible Condo item that has respawn features
  • SDK: Added built-in Ball Race music support to Game World Music Manager
  • Minigames: Adjusted combo time on minigames (1.25 > 1.45) to compensate for crossbow reload time
  • Game World Ports: Reduced height of the large Game World Port screens so its easier to reach/read
  • Plaza: Removed Minigame Teleporter on Beach to prevent it disrupting beach activities
  • Added Lillypads, Ceiba Tree to Seasons nature store
  • Added Destructible Crate, Destructible Crate Long, Destructible Pot, Military Crate, and Shipping Container to Rob’s Imports store
  • Minigolf SDK: Added leave key prompt on testing Minigolf ball
  • Minigolf: Collision is now immediately disabled when you pocket (player collision mutator)
  • Minigolf: Added camera collision to flag camera (will help with SDK maps where the camera would clip through walls)
  • Minigolf: Added respawn feature, has a 1 stroke penalty (hold K to respawn your ball back to the start pad)
  • ZM: “Kill All Zombies Before Helicopter Lands” will now timeout after 30 seconds, to prevent the game from soft locking
  • ZM: Clearing all the zombies during “Kill All Zombies Before Helicopter Lands” will now award all players 500 points
  • ZM: Added new boss!
  • Virus - Horde Mode: Infected players now deal damage the same as the horde, but have slightly more health. They no longer infect on touch
  • Added arachnophobia setting which turns all spiders into blobs (ZM, Dark Voyage, and the plushy)
  • Plaza restart notification is now more noticable
  • Canvas Statue stand now displays when you have inventory open, if you have stand disabled (for easier editing of the canvas statue)
  • Minigolf SDK: Added flat base and base height support to Loop piece
  • Added OnBoost IO output to Boost Volume
  • Added OnStart IO output to Minigolf Hole Start Pad
  • Added OnPocket and OnHIO IO outputs to Minigolf Hole
  • Added OnEnter and OnLeave IO outputs to Minigolf Pipe
  • Added IO outputs OnLastSurvivor, IsVirus Normal, IsVirus Horde, ZM OnDay1, ZM OnDay2, ZM OnDay3, ZM OnDay4, ZM OnDay5, ZM OnDay6, ZM OnFailed, ZM OnSurvived to Game World Events module
  • ZM: Readying up from upgrades game timer reduced from 10 seconds to 1 second in singleplayer mode, getting you into the action faster
  • Ball Race - Memories: Gave a little more buffer time to the laser bridge on level 2 to make it slightly easier
  • Ball Race - Memories: Increased return speed of the first rotating platform on Level 8 so you don’t need to wait for it as long
  • Ball Race - Woodlands: Improved water effects on level 4
  • Ball Race - Woodlands: Added toxic waste barrels on level 4 in the toxic waste to make it clear its dangerous
  • Ball Race - Woodlands: Added toxic waste barrels on level 8 and 10
  • Ball Race - Nimbus: Increased reflection effects a bit
  • Improved load times when loading workshop sound packs when selecting a sound
  • ~~https://trello.com/c/gwkHUZDN/763-fall-2024-plaza-update~~
  • Plaza - Minigames: Removed distracting reload animations from crossbow in Balloon Shoot
  • Redesigned Plaza server list
  • Plaza - Minigames: Improved teleporter visual effects
  • Minigolf: Added a “Collisions Enabled” HUD element when the server has collisions enabled
  • Minigolf: Added “Retry Mode” mutator which enables the new respawn feature (default off)
  • Casino: Ace now can be low for Straights and Straight Flush

Bug Fixes

  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed straight piece base height not applying on load (it was saving though)
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed Trigger Volumes and Camera IO events not working with golfball
  • Condo IO: Fixed Physics Spawner Lifespan setting not saving
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed Ramp piece not mirroring base properly with mirror setting
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed Side Shift piece not mirroring base properly with mirror setting
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed Outer Corner piece not mirroring base properly with mirror setting
  • Ball Race: Fixed melon pickup effects not playing
  • Condo: Doors should no longer show a prompt when set to Auto-Open
  • Condo: Fixed bug on doors which caused frames to not be colourable
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed water volume hazard happening multiple times in Minigolf for SDK maps
  • Virus: Fixed horde AI spawning on non-horde mode
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed canvas images clearing when changing styles or loading in a map for the minigolf wall pieces
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed pars not always networking to clients
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed cannons saving position on clients while they are in a cannon
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed cannons duplicating for clients
  • Minigolf: Fixed 1x1 hole dipped missing textures on load in
  • Minigolf: Fixed Emission putting players out of bounds when you bounce off them (collision mutator only)
  • Game World Ports: Fixed weird collision in front of every port
  • Game World Ports Server: Filled in holes in fake scenery
  • Plaza: Fixed hole in front of tower
  • Plaza: Fixed doubled up screens in Project 12
  • Plaza: Fixed z-fighting on minigame teleports on the boardwalk
  • Plaza: Fixed lilypads looking a bit strange in ponds
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed Inner Corner piece not updating base height
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed Outer Corner piece not updating grass when set to a specific setting
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed non-global Sky Volumes not working in Minigolf
  • Virus: Fixed various collision exploits in Catzek
  • ZM: Fixed & improved crawl in animation for Ghosts, Pumpkin Heads, and Skeletons. Now will work properly for clients as well
  • Minigolf - Kingdom: Fixed issue where you’d respawn incorrectly on Hole 10
  • Minigolf - Kingdom: Fixed issue where you could get semi-stuck on Hole 12
  • Minigolf - Kingdom: Fixed issue where in rare circumstances you could go through a wall on Hole 12
  • Minigolf - Kingdom: Fixed issue where you’d get launched incorrectly on Hole 14
  • Minigolf - Kingdom: Fixed issue where you’d fall through lava on Hole 17 and fall for a very long time
  • Virus - Horde Mode: Fixed horde infected flame effects staying on for a little bit after they have already been killed
  • ZM: Fixed ghost projectiles not being easy to spot
  • ZM: Fixed ghost projectiles not networking properly for clients
  • Fixed greek pillar collision
  • Virus - Horde Mode: Fixed NPC infected not being able to go up 45 degree angled surfaces
  • Fixed physics spawned by the physics spawner still colliding with items that have no collision disabled
  • Virus - Horde Mode: Fixed no collide items still being avoided by NPC infected
  • Fixed Push Volume and Damage/Heal Volume not working with horde infected (or ZM zombies)
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed 4x4 Half-Circular Flag Hole missing the hole
  • Fixed Ball Race Orb milestone not playing its pop effects
  • Fixed NPC player model scale being too small compared to normal players
  • Fixed NPC workshop model setting not always displaying in the NPC edit menu
  • Fixed NPCs that don’t have workshop models set being T posed or trying to load a workshop model
  • Minigolf SDK: Golf balls no longer can go out of bounds if they are currently traveling within a tube
  • Virus - Horde Mode: Fixed horde NPCs being able to grab ammo pickup
  • Ball Race: Fixed customization menu closing each time you click on something
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed mirror mode causing base height to be inverted on map load or on copy
  • Fixed noclip toggle (when you don’t have permission) causing movement to lock when you look down
  • Fixed camera volumes entering you into the camera while in noclip
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed canvas textures on sides not doing world align properly, causing the textures to look stretched and horrible
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed side texture thumbnail always loading in the surface editor
  • Condo: Surface editor now shows the thumbnail for the canvas if there is a canvas URL set
  • Condo: Surface editor now shows invalid surface instead of showing always loading thumbnail
  • Condo: Fixed spawn points (built-in or custom) that are blocked by objects causing the game to soft lock because the player couldn’t be spawned
  • Co-op Condos: Fixed canvas URLs and aspect ratio data clearing when a client edits a canvas item
  • Co-op Condos: Fixed IO Timer settings clearing when a client edits it
  • Co-op Condos: Fixed clients not being able to edit NPC or dialogue sentences and also fixed clients clearing its data when a client edits them
  • Co-op Condo: Fixed clients clearing Damage Volume settings when editing it
  • Fixed flashlight being offset on spawn
  • Fixed flashlight not updating when crouching
  • Fixed Monster Potion milestone ghost being crushed and crimson missing materials
  • Fixed Bowling Ball milestone creating two balls in Plaza/Dedicated servers
  • Fixed Tower Glove drawing twice in first person
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed a specific S Bend Piece collision (length high, steepness low)
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed a crash with 3x Hole Piece
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed Straight Piece settings not loading properly for clients
  • Minigolf SDK: Fixed Ramp Piece base height displaying incorrectly for clients under certain settings
  • Fixed condo scoreboard not staying locked when settings tab is closed and reopened
  • Fixed emotes blocking scroll wheel third person camera adjustment if you hold CTRL while ending an emote
  • Fixed delete key accidentally stashing items while you are typing/editing item name in the gizmo transform menu
  • Ball Race - Memories: Fixed attractors/repulsors not drawing when on near distance setting
  • Ball Race - Memories: Fixed various draw distance issues with platforms on near distance setting
  • Ball Race - Memories: Fixed being able to get stuck on top of the last boosters on Level 8
  • Ball Race - Khromidro: Fixed water on level 12 flickering
  • Ball Race - Memories: Cleaned up floating platform artwork
  • Ball Race - Nimbus: Fixed many visual bugs with curved platforms
  • Ball Race - Nimbus: Fixed stretched textures on some platforms
  • Ball Race - Eruption: Fixed being able to get stuck between rocks on level 3
  • ZM: Fixed chainsaw not animating
  • ZM: Fixed & smoothed rotation movement of bosses. Bosses no longer turn on a dime or rotate around like crazy. Now everything is smooth and bulky like it should be
  • ZM: Fixed helicopter end camera not following the helicopter and only being static
  • ZM: Fixed weapon pickup notice not showing up properly
  • ZM: Fixed boss health HUD elements colliding with other HUD elements
  • Plaza: Fixed minigame teleporter pads not syncing for players who joined the Plaza while a minigame is active
  • Plaza: Optimized & improved minigame teleporter pad animations
  • Fixed Plaza scoreboard closing when you are selected on the settings or map tabs
  • Fixed Catsacks not having shocked face when opening them
  • Fishing: Fixed reel in music still playing under certain circumstances
  • Plaza - Minigames: Fixed targets still having collision after you have just shot them
  • Arcade - Whack-A-Mole and Bug Bytes: Fixed moles/bugs swapping to different types (ex. mole to cat) while currently popped up
  • Fixed a long-standing bug where workshop player models would not save for new players who have not selected a built-in character
  • Minigolf - Waterhole Hole 7: Ball will no longer attempt to save position while on the bridges
  • Minigolf - Waterhole Hole 18: Ball will no longer attempt to save position at the bottom of the lift
  • Virus: Fixed HUD game messages stacking over top of each other
  • ZM: Fixed helicopter animating strangely for clients
  • ZM: Fixed helicopter not always spawning for clients
  • ZM - Trainyard: Added more level detail and geometry to areas where the camera points to such as intermission and helicopter exit
  • Virus: Fixed “player is enraged” HUD message showing up after the round is over
  • Arcade: Fixed physics-based arcade games not networking physics for other players who are watching
  • Game World Ports: Fixed friends only servers showing up on the active game lists
  • Game World Ports: Optimized active game list screens

VR Alpha Changes

  • VR: VR menu now draws through the 3D world and no longer gets blocked by objects
  • VR: Added basic pickup support (you can pickup and throw items, but it’s currently just tap)
  • VR: Added basic weapon support
  • VR: Added basic libretro lightgun support
  • VR: Added a floating HUD for VR to allow toggling voice
  • VR: VR menu for Plazas now show all active Plazas
  • VR: Improved use beam
  • VR: Added dominant hand feature, which will allow players to change their dominant hand for interactions (defaults to right hand)
  • VR: Fixed left hand trace overriding right hand trace on menus
  • VR: Fixed VR menu displaying a black screen
  • VR: Fixed loading menus not working well in VR

Before Ship

  • Write changelog



  • A new checklist named “Before Ship” has been added to the card.
  • A new checklist named “Bug Fixes” has been added to the card.
  • A new checklist named “Changes” has been added to the card.
  • “Minigolf SDK: Upped Friction Volume limit to 100 (was 5)” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf SDK: Fixed straight piece base height not applying on load (it was saving though)” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf SDK: Fixed Trigger Volumes and Camera IO events not working with golfball” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condo IO: Fixed Physics Spawner Lifespan setting not saving” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf SDK: Fixed Ramp piece not mirroring base properly with mirror setting” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf SDK: Fixed Side Shift piece not mirroring base properly with mirror setting” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf SDK: Fixed Outer Corner piece not mirroring base properly with mirror setting” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Added Rental Shelf to Central Circuit” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “Added Physical Media Shelf to Sweet Suites Furnishings. This new item will let you organize and store Physical Media and Libretro cartridges on a shelf” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “Added Explosive Barrel to Rob’s Imports. An exploding/destructible Condo item that has respawn features” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “Added 3D Text to D.I.Y. 3D text is an item, similar to Floating Text, that lets you type text and it’ll generate 3D text” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “Added built-in Ball Race music support to Game World Music Manager” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “Condo: Fixed bug on doors which caused frames to not be colourable” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condo: Doors should no longer show a prompt when set to Auto-Open” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Ball Race: Fixed melon pickup effects not playing” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Virus: Fixed horde AI spawning on non-horde mode” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf SDK: Fixed water volume hazard happening multiple times in Minigolf for SDK maps” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Minigames: Adjusted combo time on minigames (1.25 > 1.45) to compensate for crossbow reload time” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf SDK: Fixed cannons duplicating for clients” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf SDK: Fixed cannons saving position on clients while they are in a cannon” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf SDK: Fixed pars not always networking to clients” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf SDK: Fixed canvas images clearing when changing styles or loading in a map for the minigolf wall pieces” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf: Fixed 1x1 hole dipped missing textures on load in” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf: Fixed Emission putting players out of bounds when you bounce off them (collision mutator only)” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Game World Ports: Fixed weird collision in front of every port” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Game World Ports: Reduced height of the large Game World Port screens so its easier to reach/read” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “Game World Ports Server: Filled in holes in fake scenery” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.