Upcoming Bug Fixes




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Major Bug Fixes

  • Improved FPS when browsing workshop player models or items
  • Arcade: Fixed visual discrepancy in units between the main UI and pause menu due to tokens
  • Voice chat connectivity issues
  • Fixed various issues with blocking players
  • Casino: Fixed not being able to leave the slot machine after spin/action

Bug Fixes

  • Condo Workshop: Improved favorite/unfavorite system as there’s some bugs with it
  • Billiards: Fixed an issue where you can end your turn early by clicking before the cue stick is setup for the next shot
  • Billiards: Fixed pool cues sticking around when they shouldn’t
  • Billiards: Name tags now hide while in the Arcade billiards area for better visibility
  • Arcade: Media player in the lounge area now automatically starts/stops when you enter/leave the area, fixing several bugs related to it
  • Improved FPS when opening the scoreboard
  • Nightclub: Fixed media player not playing video after leaving a karaoke room
  • Karaoke: Fixed media player volumes being lower than normal
  • Fixed Golf ball morph camera
  • Fixed various items not being in categories in the stores
  • Bowling: Fixed media queue sometimes displaying a video as “unknown for 10 hours”
  • Dequipping workshop model will cause material corruption while using a vehicle
  • Arcade: Improved throwing games responsiveness
  • Fix bug with the always day/always night/animated lighting setting that is causing the skylight to not toggle properly
  • Fixed bug that causes jungle-side paths to not recognize the phys material and therefor play the wrong footstep sound
  • Workshop Editor: Metadata should not clear when reimporting models
  • Workshop Editor: Fixed material metadata not changing when switching between models
  • Fixed animation optimization kicking in at the Nightclub, making dances freeze for other players not nearby
  • Fixed weapons resizing with player height
  • Fixed issues with Drivable Helicopter
  • Theater: Outside sign thumbnail no longer works
  • Condo: Permissions do not save
  • Poker: Fixed a bug where the game could get stuck under special circumstances

Game World Bug Fixes

  • LC: Fixed getting stuck in crouch if roared while being crouched
  • Game Worlds: Fixed waiting for players menu sometimes not showing up after next map loaded
  • Ball Race: Improved player respawning to prevent having to reload the player models each respawn
  • Accelerate: Players who late join after 30 seconds into a race will no longer spawn into the race and must wait for the next race
  • ZM: Kimber is missing its laser
  • ZM: End of Egon cannon is missing its effect
  • ZM: Flame thrower effects are not displaying in full
  • A new checklist named “Bug Fixes” has been added to the card.
  • A new checklist named “Game World Bug Fixes” has been added to the card.
  • A new checklist named “Before Ship” has been added to the card.
  • A new checklist named “Bug Fixes” has been added to the card.
  • A new checklist named “Changes” has been added to the card.
  • The checklist “Before Ship” was removed from the card.
  • The checklist “Bug Fixes” was removed from the card.
  • The checklist “Changes” was removed from the card.
  • A new checklist named “Major Bug Fixes” has been added to the card.
  • “Fixed various issues with blocking players” has been checked off on the “Major Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Improved FPS when browsing workshop player models or items” has been checked off on the “Major Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Voice chat connectivity issues” has been checked off on the “Major Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Fixed Golf ball morph camera” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Fix bug that causes jungle-side paths to not recognize the phys material and therefor play the wrong footstep sound” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Billiards: Fixed pool cues sticking around when they shouldn’t” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Fixed issues with Drivable Helicopter” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Workshop Editor: Metadata should not clear when reimporting models” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Game Worlds: Fixed waiting for players menu sometimes not showing up after next map loaded” has been checked off on the “Game World Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “ZM: End of Egon cannon is missing its effect” has been checked off on the “Game World Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “ZM: Kimber is missing its laser” has been checked off on the “Game World Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “ZM: Flame thrower effects are not displaying in full” has been checked off on the “Game World Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Ball Race: Improved player respawning to prevent having to reload the player models each respawn” has been checked off on the “Game World Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Fixed various items not being in categories in the stores” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Billiards: Fixed an issue where you can end your turn early by clicking before the cue stick is setup for the next shot” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
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  • “Bowling: Fixed media queue sometimes displaying a video as “unknown for 10 hours”” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Arcade: Fixed visual discrepancy in units between the main UI and pause menu due to tokens” has been checked off on the “Major Bug Fixes” checklist.
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