in-game it shows the units i have, being 7,284
yet whenever i pause, it says i have 9,284. i’ve tried playing a game to see if that would fix it, but it still gives me the incorrect total.
I believe this is because your arcade tickets are taken into account for your total
my b, thank you so much for the help!
I don’t think this has anything to do with arcade tickets. My units are also mismatched. My ingame units usually revert to zero but when i press Esc/“pause” screen or go to towerexpress to buy items it shows my actual unit count.
I have even gone as far as to spend all my units to get to zero to match the ingame amount and when i sell anything it behaves as if the ingame units are in a negative and it gives me a reduced amount ingame and the full amount in the Esc/“pause” screen.
Very bizzare i’m sure it’s a mismatch from the AGC.
iirc when you get game tokens, it doesn’t actually give you any game tokens and instead removes the amount of units they cost from your bottom left unit hud, but it doesn’t get removed from the pause menu units so it looks like you have more units there
Ahh so it’s a token thing, not tickets?
Well this unit discrepancy issue has been an issue without getting any tokens for quite a while now. So im not sure how tokens have any effect.