Unbanned for playing in a band.
Unbanned because banning is too mainstream
Unbanned because you’re a cooldude
Unbanned for not banning someone
unbanned for giving the thread another chance after 17 days
unbanned for caring
unbanned for reviving harambe after killing him
Unbanned by Harambe for REASON
Unbanned because reasons.
Unbanned because I have had comfort from you
UnBanned because reasons
Unbanned for using an unnecessary capital B
UnBaNnEd bEcAuSe I nEeD tO uNbAn YoU
Unbanned for unnecessary capital letters.
Unbanned after a week of no posting.
unbanned for choice of logic
Unbanned after a 1 month necro.
Unbanned because I like Star Trek too.
Unbanned because you don’t play the banning game anymore.
Unbanned, wait no never mind. Nope still banned.