Triple Diamonds... This is ridiculous. Seriously


I have been playing the game for the past 2 days and have racked up 32 hours on this game. (Yes i know, hear me out).
I’ve played every game in the casino and have won 2 JP’s on Triple Diamonds and 4 on Grand Quest.

To make a long story short i found a TP (Triple Diamonds) slot with 14k in for JP. Thought screw it, i’ll have a go for it. This was last night around 10pm UK time. As of 13:30pm (THE NEXT DAY) i have not stopped. I am currently on ‘914 Minutes’ for this session. I started with 320K and have 355K… After 15 hours!? what the fuck!? Not only is that crazy, but my JP has reached ‘48,084’ as of this very moment. (I’ll post ScreenShots later) This game is not Wheel of Money and i find it incredibly hard to belive that i havnt hit the JP yet.

Yes you could imagine im quite upset by this, but at the same time hope the devs do something about this. This game is fucking awesome and i have no regrets pressing my space bar for hours on end whilst watching ‘Always Sunny in Philly’ Re-Runs. I am going to continue playing on this TP Slot machine until i win the JP and will update later on.

Cant wait to see what this game will become in (hopefully) the near future…


This doesn’t seem like a bug. (From all I know) The Casino machines are RNG, so it’s completely random how long it will take for the JP to pop.


That’s Lady Luck for you dude


If you want a sure thing with jackpot, you want to stick with Grand Quest. Its rare to fail and you almost always get the jackpot. Otherwise play TD or WoM, but WoM has even worse odds of winning the TD. I havent won a single game of WoM (but know someone who has, 19 mil Units), I have won 1 game of TD (within 5 spins, for 300k Units) and won 20 games of Grand Quest (with only 4 deaths)

That’s called gambling, you aren’t guaranteed to win a jackpot which is part of the risk.


You think THAT is bad? Have you tried wheel of money? There’s one machine I’ve spent countless hours on over the past two months. That’s right, two months and counting, without it jackpotting.

@BobLeeSwagger the last JP on tripple diamonds took me to 110k JP before it finally cashed out after about 16 hours total including some hours i fell sleep, just gotta keep at it until you get the lucky roll, no pain no gain :smiley:

How can you sit more than 15 hours straight on one machine? what the heck

Guess he wants the $$$. It’s a lot but you can take some fast pee breaks so you’ll be fine.

it’s pretty easy to watch tv, you tube even play some other game at the same time if you have dual monitor, or aren’t full screened.

but i could only go 4/5 hours before needing a break, 15 straight is hardcore lol i’d die

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