Triple Diamond Achievement Suggestions

A group of friends and I have noticed the lack of achievements on the Triple Diamonds machine and we came up with a list of achievements for it.

Diamond Vision

- Get the jackpot on Triple Diamonds


I Cherrish you!
	- Get triple cherries 50 times on Triple Diamonds
	- Get triple cherries 25 times on Triple Diamonds


	- Get triple watermelons 50 times on Triple Diamonds
	- Get triple watermelons 25 times on Triple Diamonds


Peeled Out!
	- Get triple oranges 50 times on Triple Diamonds
Peeling Out!
	- Get triple oranges 25 times on Triple Diamonds


Grapes of Wrath!
	- Get triple grapes 50 times on Triple Diamonds

You are grape!
	- Get triple grapes 25 times on Triple Diamonds


This is a CrowBAR!
	- Get triple bard 50 times on Triple Diamonds
You are BARred!
	- Get triple bars 25 times on Triple Diamonds`

I respectfully disagree. I hate all of these.

Triple Diamond jackpot can even take 16 hours. It’s a game of pure luck. That alone is incredibly frustrating and taxing. When I got it after 13 hours, I didn’t feel I achieved something. I was just glad it was done and it made me hate the game more.

And I also hate these grindy achievements. They add nothing fun to the value and just forces people to play something until… they get lucky to get each one of these.