Triangle canvas with an angle

Making geometric meshes out of canvases is currently a bit limited. The closest you can really get is making surfaces out of canvas cubes and canvas primitives, but these are too symmetric

Since any geometric mesh can be turned into triangles, why not have a triangle canvas item? The only parameters needed to get all possible triangles are a side length and an angle, with anything less than 90° being acute and anything greater than 90° being obtuse

Also if this gets added in I may be able to do something very cool with it

there’s the canvas polygon (equilateral), and the canvas wedge (right triangle), and the pyramid now has variations to make it into halves and quarters.

I’m not sure what you mean by “too symmetric”, you can use 2+ wedges to make scalene type triangles.

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Is there a way to make the wedge method work for obtuse triangles? because I think you’d always end up with a bit sticking out

EDIT: Ah wait you can totally use two back-to-back wedges in this case