Track Car Prop Items Please

Any chance to get these things as just items we can use as props and move stuff without being tied to the Track Mover?

the “minature” train car is the third one.

I meant like the newer ride seats, with functioning restrain bars and built in seating. The mini train car is nice, but it needs some shell variations instead of being locked into a “spooky” design.


I agree that these would bee very nice to have! We need more items from maps across the game as items in general and I’m very glad that PixelTail team is listening so far and giving us these sorts of items every now and then. The more creative you can be without workshop, the better! Though the only reason I’m saying that last part is because of how performance heavy workshop can get at times - Otherwise I’m personally into using a lot of workshop items myself, even if they hit performance a lot.

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