Tower Unite Stats

It would be nice to see stats for your time spent in Tower, number of items eaten, certain games won, how much money made from certain games, how many catsacks you have opened, how much money you have ever had etc.

Uh what

Stats are confirmed and will likely be coming out alongside achievements, milestones, and badges. Honestly I’m really excited for that :stuck_out_tongue:


I hope achievements come soon I always love getting achievements its a great time waster trying to get insane achievements like getting one million units or playing for 100 hours… wait. that one is already done…

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Ignore it, I meant to hit cancel on what i was going to say. But instead, I hit “reply” I messed up what i was about to post. :stuck_out_tongue:

Some people don’t want the attention.

It would be nice if you could opt out to keep the records private to yourself as well.

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I thought it was assumed that these stats would be private. I don’t see a need to have a leaderboard for “Most Jumps Overall,” but random stats like that are still fun to keep around.

Leaderboards will probably only be relegated to score attack kinds of games, like fastest Ball Race and Accelerate times (if at all).

In before ball race leader-boards, the race to get the quickest time possible first will be an entertaining show and I expect alot of salt to come from it.


Me before leaderboards update: Oh man I think i’m pretty good at this!

Me after leaderboards update: I’m a god damn turtle.


Already planned

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@macdguy Posted a link once to a page where we could see how many units was in the game based on how much furniture had been puchased and how many units every player in the game had combined into one neat little counter.
Having something like that would be a neat addition to some sort of stat board.
Like how much money there is in the game currently and how much you have in total.